Writing a letter: Formal and Informal type

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Letter Number 3

From: Miss Olga
To: "Thanh My Pham"

Date: Tuesday, October 21, 2008,

Hello!!! I'm in a hurry!!

Pham!! Hello!!! I'm so glad to receive an answer from you!!! I have to go shopping with my sister now, I need to buy some things for my trip and she wants to buy new jeans, we go shopping together all the time! We are very good friends with my sister! I will tell her about you today! I'm sending two pics, one is my father, my sister and me (I'm the right one!) and another one is just me in a shop.

Here in Russia is quite good weather today (at least in my city). It's sunny and warm! I like warm and sunny weather! Or at least cold and sunny. I do skiing in winter sometimes although I do it not so good. I've never tried snowboarding. How about you?

Sorry I can't get concentrated now and write some useful info about myself! My sister is waiting for me and I'm in a hurry! I just wanted to write an answer to you as soon as possible not to make you think I forgot about you! I didn't forget about you! I will think what could I write about myself while I do shopping with my sister and write you again as soon as I can. OK?

If you have any questions please ask. I don't know if I mentioned this before I will come to your area in about 3 weeks and I hope we will meet each other!

Next time I will write more details about my work, family and hobies.

Sorry I really have to go now or my sister will kill me!!!!!!!

I will write you more as soon as possible about my city, my job, my visit over there and so on...

OK byebye

Did you the one on the Dating Scammer as I saw your letters are same as those posted on that? Sorry as I by chance knew this.
[quote=ptm0412;150415]Câu dài mà hay thì nói làm gì, dài mà lủng củng thì nên viết ngắn thôi.
Thì bác bảo" câu không nên viết dài" mà, còn câu lủng củng thì cả ngắn cả dài đều dở thui.

Ngoài ra, while có thể dùng với cả thì quá khứ nữa, không phải chỉ có hiện tại không thôi.[/quote]
vâng, em chỉ nói trường hợp khi nói về tương lai, vì nó hơi đặc biệt một chút
Letter Number 4

From: Miss Olga

To: "Thanh My Pham"
Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008,


Hi Pham! This is me again!!!

Sorry I didn't know what to write you last time, I was not sure because I don't have any experience in writing to someone in internet and this is very new for me! I told my sister about you yesterday! She said I should be cautious because there are a lot of crazy men in internet! I hope you are not one of them! I hope you are not just looking to have sex with a woman and run and you will not insist on sending naked pics.

My sister never communicated with someone from another country but she posted her profile on Russian sites. I'm sure you are different from Russian men and have only honest intentions! As for me I'm being honest with you.

I would be happy to talk to you by phone someday soon when I feel ready to do it!!!!!!!!! Maybe on weekend or later?
My main hobby is a practice of kundalini yoga. Kundalini Yoga concentrates on psychic centers or chakras in the body in order to generate a spiritual power, which is known as kundalini energy (kundalini energy is a sexual energy). It helps to make a sexual energy stronger and make sexual life more emotional and fulfill it with many interesting aspects...

Pham I can show you some yoga poses when I come over there, what do you think???? Now of course I practice it alone!
I had only once a serious relationship but he moved to another city for a better job, he promised to earn some money and come back to my city but later I've learnt he found a girlfriend and he was living with her. I'm very faithful woman and I couldn't stand it.... so I'm being lonely for 1,5 year...

My last boyfriend didn't treat me well and was a cheater as you see.. Treat me like an angel, and I'll show you what heaven's really like!

Please tell me more about your hobbies!!!!! I don't have much free time to have many hobbies. Also I like to read books, listen to the music and go to the cinema sometimes. My favorite actress is Eva Green. I don't have a favorite movie, I like all movies with my favorite actors!

As I wrote you I'm 26. I don't smoke. I drink socially. I don't have any kids although I like kids, I've been working in Children's hospital, tomorrow will be the last day of my work. I live in the city called Lesosibirsk. Lesosibirsk is a city in Krasnojarskiy Krai, Russia.
I think I didn't write you I'm a nurse. And I'm going to get a special work visa for nurses and come to your country and work there for about one year!!!

I like my job so much!!!!! I like to help people! I'm not sure for what kind of relationship I'm looking for, I'm open to anything and I can't look in your eyes now and touch your hand, it's not easy to communicate by writing emails only! Although I feel something special about you.

Now I write to you only.
Pham all of my emails I write by myself, I'd been learning English in school and then at the Academy (I graduated Krasnojarsk State Medical Academy), I continue to learn some professional terms. Sorry I don't have much free time last days, I'm making all arrangements of my trip and please forgive me if I can't comment everything or write all I want to write!!!!

I guess we have some time difference and I want to calculate it! Please let me know exactly the name of your city, I found a site in internet about timezones and I will try to calculate it. As I told you my city called Lesosibirsk, it's quite small city.

Oh I almost forgot to write you! My birthday is May 2! I'm Taurus. Do you believe in horoscopes?
I live with my father and sister. My sister is 17 (she is so shy!), my father is 68.
My mother is not alive, she died from pneumonia two years ago. She was 47 years old, much younger than my father.

I won a trip to Turkey last summer, I took a part in the regional competition (I'm not sure how to express it in English) of nurses and won the first place!!!!! I was so happy! I didn't expect it!!!! While I was in Turkey I though how lucky I am and I think if I was able to
won the first place maybe I can reach more in my life and I decided to find a work in another country, more well paid than in my city... In Russia nurses earn not good money.

I'm sending more pics this time! One pic is me at work plus one pic is me at the nurses competition (I'm sorry the quality is not good, I'm the right one) and another pic was taken in Turkey Airport. Almost all doctors at my work are men, not women but I've never had any close or intimate relationship with them because I never mix my work and my private life.

I have to go now and finish to write my resume!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will write more later!!! I can't wait till I come to you!

Lần chỉnh sửa cuối:
Did you the one on the Dating Scammer as I saw your letters are same as those posted on that? Sorry as I by chance knew this.
I don't understand this?
All those letters that I post here are from one person, mail to me at the exact day within each one. And this is the first time I public them.
But, it is not any difficult to know why you can see these somewhere. Let the last mail, as I promise, answer all!
I don't understand this?
All those letters that I post here are from one person, mail to me at the exact day within each one. And this is the first time I public them.
But, it is not any difficult to know why you can see these somewhere. Let the last mail, as I promise, answer all!

If you provide me with just one or two sentences of the next letter, I can give you the whole body of that letter.
If you provide me with just one or two sentences of the next letter, I can give you the whole body of that letter.
Why don't you be patient, Solomon?

Let me say again, this is the first time I public these mail. You can see them somewhere, it is the fact. But what you saw there are not mine, in both meaning of my letters nor my posts.

Besides, I post these private letters here, because they are well writen, in grammar, in vocabulary, in structure, in litery style; so that we could read them, and study how the author wrote them and how person perform their feeling.

All this serie of letters is about 10, and all private, and I post them exactly in each word. Anyway, I think I am doing a good work and I will not explain more.
Lần chỉnh sửa cuối:
Thanks for your explanation rather clearly and your aim is to just share the literary style of author and so on,... Please keep it going ahead with the remains.
Tất cả các post của các bạn đề cập về văn phong viêt thư English, chưa thấy bài nào nói tới subject của thư? Nếu cho vào cuộc thi viết thư thì bị loại rồi.

Một form thư gọi là formal khi phải đủ tối thiểu (và format phải theo thứ tự từ trên xuống)

From: (format bên lề trái giấy, địa chỉ điện thoại và người cần gặp chỉ nên viết tối đa trong 3 dòng và không nên kéo dài hết 1 dòng)

To: (format bên lề trái giấy, chỉ nên viết tối đa trong 3 dòng)
Attn: Người cần gửi tới hoặc cần cc thêm tới ai đó (dòng này phải ngay dưới dòng To:)

Place of writing letter, 15th Jun
. 2009
(format bên phải lề giấy, phải viết đúng kiểu ngày, ngày phải viết kiểu số thứ tự 15th , tháng viết tắt phải có dấu chấm Jun. Ví dụ: Hanoi, 15th Jun. 2009, nhớ Hanoi viết liền, nếu viết Ha Noi là sai )

Subject: Viết tiêu đề thư, nếu là thư hỏi hàng mua máy bay Boeing thì phải "Enquiry for Boeing Aircraft", nếu là thư tình thì phải "Love letter to honey", nếu là thư khiếu lại chất lượng hàng hóa thì phải "Quality claim for shipment number 123 delivery date 456" (Khiếu lại chất lượng lô hàng số 123 giao ngày 456).... Subject rất quan trọng để nó giúp người đọc biết ngay vấn đề gì bạn đang đề cập tới trong thư, nếu việc gấp họ sẽ reply giải quyết ngay.

Dear Sirs/Madams, (Phần này gần như tiêu ngữ, nhớ là phải viết hoa chứ Sirs/Madams và 2 chữ này phải là số nhiều nếu bạn chưa biết rõ về người sẽ nhận thư, ngoài ra chú ý sau chữ Sirs/Madams phải là một dấu phẩy

I am typing this letter to.....mentioning about the problem of......as you can see on the subject above..... (Như ông có thể thấy ở tiêu đề thư, tôi đang ngồi oánh máy cái meo này nói cho ông biết vấn đề.....). Đây là phần mở bài của thư, cần vào thẳng vấn đề và nói cho người nhận thư biết lý do tại sao bạn viết thư. Ví dụ xin việc thì cần nói "Tôi được biết qua Vietnamwork Quí công ty đang tìm ứng cử viên xuất sắc cho vị trí giám đốc mà tôi đã quan tâm từ lâu, tôi viết thư này bày tỏ mong muốn được hợp tác....) I am very intersted to see your vacancy of General Director in the Vietnamwork.com that i like very much, so i am writing this letter to show my expectation to work join with you. Mở đầu thư chỉ nên ngắn gon 2 hoặc 3 dòng

Letter body: tùy nội dung mà có thể gồm 2 hoặc 3 đoạn nhưng nói chung chỉ nên 2 đoạn

Conclusion: phần kết thư nên có mấy thứ sau:

+ Xác nhận lại vấn đề cần bên nhận thư trả lời
+ Xác nhận lại thời gian cần trả lời thư
+ Cám ơn vì đã giành thời gian đọc thư và hi vọng nhận được thư phúc đáp sớm

Chú ý: look forward to do-ing something chứ nhiều người hay nhầm, look forward to do something là sai.

Chào thư: có thể dùng:

Sincerely Yours, (Viết hoa 2 chữ và sau đó là dấu phẩy như khi mở thư Dear Sirs/Madams,, Sincerely Yours có thể thay bằng Best Regards, Faithfully, .... Nhưng Best Regards chỉ dùng cho người ít tuổi hơn hoặc ở vị trí thấp hơn hoặc viết cho bạn bè, bạn bè hơn nữa thì Love Tên, ví dụ Love Marry. Nhiều người viết thư hay viết sai chữ Sincerely thành Scincerely hoặc Sincerly... Chú ý lỗi chính tả)

Name, Surname
Job title

P/S: nếu có nhưng nó không formal cho thư tín thương mại

Encl: Tài liệu đính kèm Encl là viết tắt của chữ Enclosed

Lá thư hay nhất là lá thư ngắn gọn trong 1 tờ A 4 và nói đủ nội dung, viết đúng format, mở bài thân bài kết luận logic, dùng câu cú dễ hiểu, văn phong formal. Thư dài lê thê không phải là văn phong formal, đặc biệt là thư tín thương mại
Lần chỉnh sửa cuối:
Letter Number 5:

This letter is not much long, and not much well writen, but it is the fifth one I received.

From: Miss Olga
To: "Thanh My Pham"

Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008

Airport code!!!!!

Pham sorry I forgot to say last time...... please write me the name of the closest Airport to you, possibly international. The Airport in my city is not international and it's so small, I can't even find the code of the Airport. Not far from my city is a city Krasnojarsk and the code of
it's Airport is (KJA).
Pham please write me the international Airport which is close to you and it's code!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much!!!
Two more pics for you!
I will write more later, I have to go now.
Pham I will tell you tomorrow how I spend this day!



P.S. I'm really in a hurry now, I will write you about everything
Letter number 6:

From: Miss Olga

To: "Thanh My Pham"
Date: Friday, October 24, 2008,

Subject: From the sweetest girl in the world!!!

Pham!!!! It's great to write you again!!!

Today was the last day of my work! Like I said I told my sister about you and she said she will cross her finger for me and she is hoping you will turn out to be a good man in the real life and do no harm to me.

Very soon I will be able to write you more information about my trip! Today at night I have a flight to Moscow and I will start my trip. There I have to pass some English tests and interviews and complete
all arrangements. I've never been to Moscow before and I'm already excited to start my trip!!

Pham what is your favorite drink? I like to cook and drink hot chocolate! Have you ever tried it? We have very tasty chocolate in Russia! If you want I can bring you 2 boxes of chocolate, please let me know? What type of chocolate do you like? Milk chocolate of bitter (dark)? I like dark chocolate without any flavors. Do you like almonds or some other nuts? Or maybe with raisin?

I know chocolate contains three components giving energy and forcing heart to beat more often. It is caffeine (the general stimulator), theobromon (stimulates nervous system) and feniletilamin (antidepression and making one's mood better). Additionally some scientists have interrogated about 200 women about their consumption of chocolate and sexual satisfaction. It has appeared that those who eat a lot of chocolate showed in test the highest level of excitation and orgasm.

But these data is not in a novelty: emperor of aztecs Montesuma who have discovered chocolate beans drank more than 50 cups of chocolate a day, therefore his several wives were very happy and satisfied with Montesuma!!!

I really like chocolate and I can cook very tasty hot chocolate for you!!!!!!!!! About one year ago I watched a movie with Johnny Depp called Chocolate. Have you watched this movie? I like it so much! It's is so romantic and touching!

Pham I'm so excited I'm starting my trip today!! As soon as I learn more info about my trip I will let you know!!! I will write you all details about it!!!!

I can't wait to meet you and I'm getting sooooooo excited when I think about you.

Pham I'm sorry again I have to go back home and pack the rest of my things. I promise when I have more time I will say more about things you possibly want to know.

Hot kisses!!!!!!!!!!!

Letter Number 7:

From: Miss Olga
To: "Thanh My Pham"

Date: Saturday, October 25, 2008, 6:57 PM


Hi Pham!!!!!!!!! Sorry this will be short, I will write you more later today! I just want to let you know I arrived to Moscow!!! I'm safe and everything is OK here. I already settled down. Today I will try to make more pictures for you and I will send them to you as soon as I can!!!!! I'm very excited!!!!!! I feel like we became closer to each other!!!! The weather is good today, very sunny!!! Do you believe in global warming or global cold snap? Last few years the weather is so strange...

Pham sorry I have to go now, I promise I will write you later today!

I miss you!!!!!!!!

I hope I will be able to send more pics from Moscow today but I don't promise!!

Your girl in Moscow.



Letter Number 8:

From: Miss Olga
To: "Thanh My Pham"

Date: Sunday, October 26, 2008, 12:32 PM

Your Angel from Moscow!!!

Hello Pham!!!!
I hope you are having a great day! I just want to send you few pics from Moscow I hope tomorrow I will be able to send more. The pics are taken by people I don't know. I came to Moscow alone and I don't have any friends or relatives here so I had to ask people on the street to help me and take my pics.

I can't write a long email I will write next time and tell you more about my trip. I will go to the travel agency today and arrange my tickets. Please confirm the name of your Airport, I don't want to make any mistake. And confirm your telephone number please I can buy a calling card and call you. I'm very happy about our communication and I can't wait to meet you! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pham if it is meant to be, our hearts will find each other when we meet.
And if our hearts melt together so will our bodies and souls. Then every word and every touch will fuel our passion flame. I will be yours, you will be mine, and we will be one.

I have to go and make some arrangements now, I will write more later.


Lần chỉnh sửa cuối:
These are so great letter, dont need correct, as not same my letter, you must take so much the ink%#^#$. And it seems that cheetit old man is old man but many pretty young girls like@$@!^%
Once again, I have to pay an extra expense for ink:
These are so great letter, dont need correct, as not same my letter, you must take so much the ink. And it seems that cheetit old man is old man but many pretty young girls like
These letters are so great and needn't correcting, not the same as mine: You must use a lot of red ink!
And it seems that though "cheettit old man" is very old , many young girls like him.
The last letter:

Please read this letter and look for the reason why it is the last letter I receipt. Anyway, it is still a well writen one, as others.

From: "Miss Olga"
To: "Thanh My Pham"

Monday, October 27, 2008

To my sweetheart!!!

Pham!!! Hello my darling!!!

I'm writing to you as soon as I can!!!!!! I was busy with many arrangements!!!!!!!!!!! Also I had to repeat some words for my English test and I finally passed my test today morning!!!
Today I was in the travel agency and I received an information about my trip! I will be very thankful to you if you can meet me at the Airport! I will arrive to you on Saturday, November 1!!!!!! I hope so much it's a good day for you to meet me!

The full cost of my trip including documents and roundtrip tickets is 1399 US dollars. I passed all tests and everything and all papers are ready. I will pass my final interview at the embassy this week and they will put all stamps in my documents and I will come to see you! I can't say I'm too much nervous. I know you are waiting for me and I hope you will tell me everything about your country and show me some nice places over there. I will travel eco class, I hope my flight will be OK. It's so many hours to spend on the plane, I've never done such big flights. As far as I remember it was about five hours to fly to Turkey from my city and it's the longest flight I've done. I will be able to stay over there during 12 months and then I can prolong my visa or change my status.

I will have a special work visa for nurses and I will work as a nurse. I'm happy I have a job lined up and I hope everything will works out! I want to meet you and talk to you and get to know you better. I feel we will like each other, at least I hope so. If you decide you know me not well enough and want to be only friends with me I will stay in a hostel for nurses. But I hope you will like me!!!!!!!!!! I have a good feeling about it!

Pham I've learnt how to make international calls. I've been told not all public phones and suitable to do this and I've been told which one I can use not far from the place where I'm staying. If you want me to call you just tell me and I will try to call you! Also will you pick up the phone or someone else and I should ask to talk to you? As I wrote you I will come later this week and I will stay here for several days. So now I have to make final arrangements with my documents. I told you I passed all tests, I have all documents I need to get a job and everything.

Pham please try to help me to finish my arrangements. And I need to pay for this flight. I thought they can pay for my flight because it's a work program but such possibility was available for nurse visas. The limit of such payments already expired this year and they said I should pay it by myself.
You can plan a pretty picnic, but you can't predict the weather. You see I started my journey earlier then I expected because I've met you and I wanted to meet you as soon as possible.

My father can't help me to pay for my trip, he is lonely, my mom passed away I wrote you. And he has to pay all expenses for my sister's education...Please try to help me, you are my only hope!
I will wait for your help today!!!!!!!!!!!! I will give the money back to you as soon as I can. I can't promise I will earn all the money in 2 weeks but in 3-4 weeks I will give it back to you. Nurses in your country earn very good money!

Please send it today by Western Union I will write you details:
Send it to
Olga Mitrophanova!!!!

This is my full name used in all official documents. They said this is all info you need. But please for any case write down more info. The address where I'm staying in Moscow is Moscow, Suschevskaya 11-27. I rent a small room in apartment here, it's cheaper than hotel.

The address of the closest Western Union here is
Moscow, 129110

Actually they said you can use any address of their offices. I have some money but it's not enough to complete my trip. Please send me 990 dollars and I will complete my trip!
After it please write me all details about the transfer - your full name and MTCN number!! I will call you as soon as I receive it. When I receive the money I will pay for my trip and only then the embassy will put all final stamps on my documents.

I've bought you few souvenirs with Russian attributes!!! I'm sure you will like them! If you need something more please let me know, they are not expensive. Also I bought two boxes of Russian chocolate! I hope so much when I come to you we will like each other!

You are already very special to me! Please when I come to you tell me more about you and your country! I will listen to everything you tell me and I will do everything you tell me! I trust you really much! I hope you will not do something to hurt my feelings.... I think you are really good man. I will never do anything to hurt yours!!!

By statistics Moscow is the second most expensive city in the world after Tokyo... everything is so expensive here... and I have to pay for my rent and food and buy tickets.. please help me.. Sorry if I missed something or didn't comment please let me know I was so busy with with all preparations!!!!

Pham I'm sending more pics from Moscow - near Moscow river and in Gorky Park! Now I take a look at what I have and I've done so much to get it... it only takes one second to lose. I don't want to loose you now when I became closer to you. You are so many miles away and you are still right here, in my heart and mind.

Your Girlfriend,
Introduction Letter

From : : Thanh Loan
To : Mr Khang, Mr Lee, Mr Sung, Ms Ko
Subject : Introduction

My name is Loan, full name is Do Thanh Loan

I am new staff, I have been starting working in the company since 05/04/2010. I am sorry to late introducing for myself because yesterday my colleagues just said that I had to write introduction letter with you

Some detail of mine

My name is Loan, I graduated in National Economic University in 2007, major in Financing and Banking. I was born in Bac Ninh. The company which I worked nearest, is Tecapro with role Sales staff.

I am working in Padding Team with Sales position in Trial Period. Now, I am practicing in factory to learn about the types of padding products, trademarks and how can classify type of padding and learn about responsibility of Sales staff.

After one week I receive that Everpia Viet Nam is a professional workplace and Colleagues are very good and enthusiasm, creating comfortable feel
I hope after trial period I will become Company staff.

Thank you,

Kindest regards,


After to be corrected

Dear all

My name is Do Thanh Loan.

I have been working as a new staff in our company since 5th, April, 2010. Regarding the news/recommendations I have just received from our colleagues yesterday, I am really sorry that I introduce myself a bit late.

Please follow my profile:

My name is Do Thanh Loan. My hometown is Bac Ninh city.
I achieved Bachelor degree in Financing and Banking in the National Economic University in 2007. My last job was Sales staff in Tecapro Company.

At the moment, in terms of my trial period, I was working as Sales officer in Padding Team. I have had opportunities to gain knowledge of all types of padding, trademarks and how to classify types of padding and learn about responsibilities of Sales staff.

During that time, I realized that Everpia Vietnam is actually a professional workplace and colleagues are supposed to be excellent, enthusiastic at work and succeed in creating comfort zone in working place.

I hope that after trial period I will become Company staff and have more chances to make contributions to our company’s development process.

I hope that this covers all the information about me but if there is anything else you would like to know do not hesitate to contact me again.

Thank you,

Kindest regards,

Lần chỉnh sửa cuối:
I find that we have not posted formal letters yet.
I would be grateful if you will post them here or someone writes their problem about letters/emails in English here.
I look forward to receiving these letters.
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