Tạo Menu nhưng nó ko hiện hết button

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Em tạo ra 14 nút nhưng khi hiển thị nó chỉ hiển thị 5 nút
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Vẫn bắt được sự kiện click vào các nút
đây là code
Public Class Sheet1
    'Private commandBar As Office.CommandBar
    'Private selectedBookmark As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.b
    Private WithEvents menuCommand As Office.CommandBarButton
    Private menuTag_DuToan As String = "Menu Du Toan"
    Private menuTag_DuThau As String = "Menu Du Thau"
    Private menuTag_TienIch As String = "Menu Tien Ich"
    Private WithEvents menuDuToan_TaoMoi As Office.CommandBarButton
    Private WithEvents menuDuToan_MoFile As Office.CommandBarButton
    Private WithEvents menuDuToan_DoiTenConTrinh As Office.CommandBarButton
    Private WithEvents menuDuToan_CSDL As Office.CommandBarButton
    Private WithEvents menuDuToan_PhanTichVatTu As Office.CommandBarButton
    Private WithEvents menuDuToan_TongHopVatTu As Office.CommandBarButton
    Private WithEvents menuDuToan_TinhGiaTri As Office.CommandBarButton
    Private WithEvents menuDuToan_TinhChenhLech As Office.CommandBarButton
    Private WithEvents menuDuToan_TinhChiPhiVanChuyen As Office.CommandBarButton
    Private WithEvents menuDuToan_TinhDonGiaChiTiet As Office.CommandBarButton
    Private WithEvents menuDuToan_TinhDuToanDuThau As Office.CommandBarButton
    Private WithEvents menuDuToan_ChenPTVT As Office.CommandBarButton
    Private WithEvents menuDuToan_ChenPhanTichDGCT As Office.CommandBarButton
    Private WithEvents menuDuToan_GioiThieu As Office.CommandBarButton

    'add menu
    Private Sub CheckIfMenuBarExists()
Dim foundMenu_DuToan As Office.CommandBarPopup = Me.Application.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.FindControl(Office.MsoControlType.msoControlPopup, System.Type.Missing, menuTag_DuToan, True, True)

            If foundMenu_DuToan IsNot Nothing Then
            End If
Dim foundMenu_DuThau As Office.CommandBarPopup = Me.Application.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.FindControl(Office.MsoControlType.msoControlPopup, System.Type.Missing, menuTag_DuThau, True, True)
            If foundMenu_DuThau IsNot Nothing Then
            End If
Dim foundMenu_TienIch As Office.CommandBarPopup = Me.Application.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.FindControl(Office.MsoControlType.msoControlPopup, System.Type.Missing, menuTag_TienIch, True, True)
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try

    End Sub
    Private Sub AddMenuDuToan()
            Dim menuDuToan As Office.CommandBar = Application.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar
            Dim menuDuToanCaption As String = "Dự Toán GXD"
            If menuDuToan IsNot Nothing Then
                Dim cmdBarControlDuToan As Office.CommandBarPopup = Nothing
                Dim controlCountDuToan As Integer = menuDuToan.Controls.Count
cmdBarControlDuToan = CType(menuDuToan.Controls.Add(Office.MsoControlType.msoControlPopup, Before:=controlCountDuToan, Temporary:=True), Office.CommandBarPopup)
                cmdBarControlDuToan.Caption = menuDuToanCaption
                'add nut
menuDuToan_TaoMoi = CType(cmdBarControlDuToan.Controls.Add(Type:=Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, Temporary:=True), Office.CommandBarButton)
                With menuDuToan_TaoMoi
                    .Caption = "Tạo Hạng Mục Mới"
                    .Tag = "TaoHangMucMoi"
                    .FaceId = 66
                End With
menuDuToan_MoFile = CType(cmdBarControlDuToan.Controls.Add(Type:=Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, Temporary:=True), Office.CommandBarButton)
                With menuDuToan_MoFile
                    .Caption = "Mở File Dự Toán... "
                    .Tag = "MoFileDuToan"
                    .FaceId = 67
                End With
menuDuToan_DoiTenConTrinh = CType(cmdBarControlDuToan.Controls.Add(Type:=Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, Temporary:=True), Office.CommandBarButton)
                With menuDuToan_DoiTenConTrinh
                    .Caption = "Đổi Tên Công Trình/Hạng Muc..."
                    .Tag = "DoiTenCongTrinhHangMuc"
                    .FaceId = 68
                End With
menuDuToan_CSDL = CType(cmdBarControlDuToan.Controls.Add(Type:=Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, Temporary:=True), Office.CommandBarButton)
                With menuDuToan_CSDL
                    .Caption = "Lựa Chọn Cơ Sở Dữ Liệu"
                    .Tag = "LuaChonCoSoDuLieu"
                    .FaceId = 69
                End With
menuDuToan_PhanTichVatTu = CType(cmdBarControlDuToan.Controls.Add(Type:=Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, Temporary:=True), Office.CommandBarButton)
                With menuDuToan_PhanTichVatTu
                    .Caption = "Phân tích vật tư"
                    .Tag = "PhanTichVatTu"
                    .FaceId = 70
                End With
menuDuToan_TongHopVatTu = CType(cmdBarControlDuToan.Controls.Add(Type:=Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, Temporary:=True), Office.CommandBarButton)
                With menuDuToan_PhanTichVatTu
                    .Caption = "2. Tổng hợp vật tư..."
                    .Tag = "TongHopVatTu"
                    .FaceId = 71
                End With
menuDuToan_TinhGiaTri = CType(cmdBarControlDuToan.Controls.Add(Type:=Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, Temporary:=True), Office.CommandBarButton)
                With menuDuToan_PhanTichVatTu
                    .Caption = "3. Tính giá trị vật tư..."
                    .Tag = "TinhGiaTriVatTu"
                    .FaceId = 72
                End With
menuDuToan_TinhChenhLech = CType(cmdBarControlDuToan.Controls.Add(Type:=Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, Temporary:=True), Office.CommandBarButton)
                With menuDuToan_PhanTichVatTu
                    .Caption = "4. Tính chênh lệch vật tư..."
                    .Tag = "TinhChenhLechVatTu"
                    .FaceId = 73
                End With
menuDuToan_TinhChiPhiVanChuyen = CType(cmdBarControlDuToan.Controls.Add(Type:=Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, Temporary:=True), Office.CommandBarButton)
                With menuDuToan_PhanTichVatTu
                    .Caption = "Tính chi phí vận chuyển..."
                    .Tag = "TinhChiPhiVanChuyen"
                    .FaceId = 74
                End With
menuDuToan_TinhDonGiaChiTiet = CType(cmdBarControlDuToan.Controls.Add(Type:=Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, Temporary:=True), Office.CommandBarButton)
                With menuDuToan_PhanTichVatTu
                    .Caption = "6. Tính đơn giá chi tiết..."
                    .Tag = "TinhDonGiaChiTiet"
                    .FaceId = 75
                End With
menuDuToan_TinhDuToanDuThau = CType(cmdBarControlDuToan.Controls.Add(Type:=Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, Temporary:=True), Office.CommandBarButton)
                With menuDuToan_PhanTichVatTu
                    .Caption = "7. Tính dự toán dự thầu"
                    .Tag = "TinhDuToanDuThau"
                    .FaceId = 76
                End With
menuDuToan_ChenPTVT = CType(cmdBarControlDuToan.Controls.Add(Type:=Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, Temporary:=True), Office.CommandBarButton)
                With menuDuToan_PhanTichVatTu
                    .Caption = "Chèn PTVT công việc vào bảng PTVT"
                    .Tag = "ChenPTVT"
                    .FaceId = 165
                End With
menuDuToan_ChenPhanTichDGCT = CType(cmdBarControlDuToan.Controls.Add(Type:=Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, Temporary:=True), Office.CommandBarButton)
                With menuDuToan_PhanTichVatTu
                    .Caption = "Chèn phân tích ĐGCT vào bảng ĐGCT"
                    .Tag = "ChenDGCT"
                    .FaceId = 78
                End With

menuDuToan_GioiThieu = CType(cmdBarControlDuToan.Controls.Add(Type:=Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, Temporary:=True), Office.CommandBarButton)
                With menuDuToan_PhanTichVatTu
                    .Caption = "Giới thiệu về chương trình..."
                    .Tag = "GioiThieuVeChuongTrinh"
                    .FaceId = 250
                End With

            End If
        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub Sheet1_Startup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Startup
    End Sub

    Private Sub Sheet1_Shutdown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Shutdown

    End Sub

Private Sub menuDuToan_TinhChiPhiVanChuyen_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton, ByRef CancelDefault As Boolean) Handles menuDuToan_TinhChiPhiVanChuyen.Click
        MsgBox("tính chi phí vận chuyển")
    End Sub

Private Sub menuDuToan_TinhChenhLech_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton, ByRef CancelDefault As Boolean) Handles menuDuToan_TinhChenhLech.Click
        MsgBox("tính chênh lệch")
    End Sub

Private Sub menuDuToan_TinhDonGiaChiTiet_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton, ByRef CancelDefault As Boolean) Handles menuDuToan_TinhDonGiaChiTiet.Click
        MsgBox("Tính Đơn Giá")
    End Sub

Private Sub menuDuToan_TongHopVatTu_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton, ByRef CancelDefault As Boolean) Handles menuDuToan_TongHopVatTu.Click
        MsgBox("Tong Hợp Vật Tư")
    End Sub
End Class
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