Học VBA siêu tốc hành không cần đến Sách vở!

Liên hệ QC


Nam Nhân✨Hiếu Lễ Nghĩa Trí Tín✨
Tham gia
Bài viết
Được thích
Giới tính
Để bắt đầu học Lập trình VBA một cách tốt nhất, các bạn hãy thử theo cách sau của tôi, nếu thấy hay thì có thể vận dụng:

1. Học cửa sổ VBE , menu và các nút trên VBE
2. Học cách Debug một dòng code (Phải biết), Cách Debug đi đôi với cửa sổ Local Window và Watch Window để xem code chạy từng dòng như thế nào ở menu Debug.
+ Viết code với chế độ Debug Mỗi lần viết đoạn Code xong là Ấn "Compile ..." để soát lỗi
+ Chạy Code (F5) để soát lỗi

3. Tìm kiếm hàm, các hằng (ví dụ: vbBlack, vbNullString, ...) , các phương thức,... trong: Object Browers ( Ấn F2 ) (Rất quan trọng)
4. Học cách tìm kiếm và thay thế: Trong cửa sổ VBE ấn Ctrl + F hoặc Ctrl + H


5. Các Cửa sổ VBE: Immediate (Ctrl + g), Locals Window, Watch Window

+ Immediate: Debug trong Immediate rất hay để các bạn có thể viết hàm để chạy thử.
++ Nếu là Function thì Gõ chuỗi vào cửa sổ Immediate và ấn Enter:
?TestFunction(Var1,Var2, ...)
?1 = 2
++ Với Sub thì không cần dấu ?
+ Locals Window và Watch Window: Đánh dấu Breakpoint chạy debug (Dấu tròn đỏ trước dòng code), thì cửa sổ này sẽ diễn giải code đang chạy từng dòng như thế nào
6. Các phím tắt VBE: https://www.excelcampus.com/vba/excel-vba-macro-shortcuts/
7. Cách thêm References
8. Học VBIDE để biết cách tạo module, class module, ... của Excel và VBA bằng chính VBA
9. Học các Hàm, Các phương thức hướng sự kiện. (Vận dụng tìm kiếm trong Object Browers)
Cách bắt sự kiện Application (Thường là một Add-Ins ) , Workbook, Worksheet, Userform
10. Học căn bản VBA. Module VBA basic dưới kia và *Tham Khảo học: http://viettuts.vn/excel-vba
Hàm dbPrint của tôi có thể giúp đỡ các bạn lập trình Mảng tốt hơn.
11. Sau khi viết code xong Các file có thể lưu được Code VBA:

+ Với trang tính: xls, xlsm, xlsb (Khuyên dùng)
+ Add-ins và Style Sheet: xla, xlam (Khuyên dùng), sxl

Còn sơ sài, sai sót, nên các bạn biết nhiều về VBA có thể góp thêm các cách hay.
Nếu các bạn thấy hay hãy chia sẽ bằng cách Đăng bài trả lời ở bài viết này!
Module Này chỉ là ý kiến cá nhân của tôi, dùng để xem những gì căn bản nhất, và chạy test các thủ tục.
Các bạn cần Vào cửa sổ VBE - Vào Tools - Vào References - tìm thêm Microsoft Scripting Runtime để module đủ điều kiện chạy các khai báo Object (Đối tượng)
Các bạn copy Bằng cách Ấn vào "Sao chép"

' ++=========================================================================++
' ||                                                                         ||
' ||                              modVBA_Basic                               ||
' ||                                                                         ||
' ++=========================================================================++
'Tien Xu ly
Option Explicit
Option Compare Binary '/Option Compare Binary
'Text:    Sort -> A Á À B
'Binary:  Sort -> A B Á À
Option Base 0 '/Option Base 1
'Start Index Array number is 0 / 1
'Array(0,1,2,3,4) / Array(1,2,3,4)
'|                         Comment                              |
'Comment with '
#Const AAAAAAAAAA1 = 1 ' Not Use ":"
Rem Comment with Rem
'#Const AAAAAAAAAA1 = 1:  Rem Test -> Error
Global AAAAAAAAAA2: Rem  <- Has ":"
Rem Not ":"
'|                         Pretreatment                         |
'*Pretreatment On Top
Option Private Module 'All Procedure in Module is Private

'Tien Xu ly bang dau #

#End If
#If Mac Then
  #If Win64 Then


  #End If
#ElseIf VBA7 Then
  'Has PtrSafe
  #If Win64 Then
    'LongPtr / LongLong / Any
    Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As LongPtr) ' Variables
  #ElseIf Win32 Then
    Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
  #Else 'Win16 <-
    Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) ' Variables
  #End If
  'Not PtrSafe
  Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
#End If
'|               Variables outside sub / function               |
'*Underneath of Pretreatment
Global name_variable As String '<Data-Type>String
Global VarGlobal2$ '<!>Global VarGlobal2 $<Data-Type>String
Global VarGlobal3 '<Data-Type>Variant
Global VarGlobal4() '<Data-Type>Early Binding Array Variant
Public Const MARKER As String = "NOT_TopMOST" '<Data-Type~Global>
Private Const myDefaulPrivate As Integer = 16
Public Const myDefaultPublic As Integer = 16
Dim myaaa As Integer
'|                   Variables Define Handle                    |
'Private / Public
Type myTypeExam
   childType As Long
   'childType& ' -> Error
End Type
Enum myEnum
  childEnum1 = 1
  childEnum2 ' -> = 2
  childEnum5 = 8
  childEnum6 '-> = 9
End Enum
Enum myLanguage
End Enum
Sub GoTo_BVBA_Range()
   Application.Goto Reference:="basic_Variables_outside"
End Sub
Sub basic_Variables_outside()
   Debug.Print myEnum.childEnum1
   Dim MyVar As myTypeExam
   MyVar.childType = 2
   Debug.Print MyVar.childType
   Debug.Print basic_VariablesDefineHandle(childEnum1)
   Dim i As Long
   For i = myLanguage.[_First] To myLanguage.[_Last]
     If i = French Then
       Debug.Print "Found French - index " & i
       Exit For
     End If
   Next i
End Sub
Function basic_VariablesDefineHandle(num As myEnum)
   basic_VariablesDefineHandle = num
End Function
Sub NewShortKeys()
   With Application
     .OnKey "^q", "Marco1"       'Ctrl+Q
     .OnKey "^w", "Marco2"       'Ctrl+W
     .OnKey "^A", "Marco3"       'Ctrl+A
     .OnKey "^Q", "Marco4"       'Ctrl+Shift+Q
     .OnKey "^W", "Marco5"       'Ctrl+Shift+W
     .OnKey "^Z", "Marco6"       'Ctrl+Shift+Z
     .OnKey "^e", "Marco7"       'Ctrl+E
     .OnKey "%q", "Marco8"       'Alt +Q
     .OnKey "%f", "Marco9"       'Alt +F
     .OnKey "^V", "Marco10"      'Ctrl+V
     .OnKey "^X", "Marco11"      'Ctrl+X
     .OnKey "^S", "Marco12"      'Ctrl+S
     .OnKey "%r", "Marco13"      'Alt+R
     .OnKey "%b", "Marco14"      'Alt+B
     .OnKey "%y", "Marco15"      'Alt+Y
     .OnKey "%j", "Marco16"      'Alt+J
     .OnKey "^N", "Marco17"      'Ctrl+Shift+N
     .OnKey "^T", "Marco18"      'Ctrl+Shift+T
     .OnKey "^D", "Marco19"      'Ctrl+Shift+D
     .OnKey "^G", "Marco20"      'Ctrl+Shift+G
     .OnKey "^K", "Marco21"      'Ctrl+Shift+K
     .OnKey "^H", "Marco22"      'Ctrl+Shift+H
     .OnKey "^U", "Marco23"      'Ctrl+Shift+U
     .OnKey "^I", "Marco24"      'Ctrl+Shift+I
     .OnKey "^O", "Marco25"      'Ctrl+Shift+O
     .OnKey "^P", "Marco26"      'Ctrl+Shift+P
     .OnKey "^L", "Marco27"      'Ctrl+Shift+L
     .OnKey "^M", "Marco28"      'Ctrl+Shift+M
   End With
End Sub
'|                    Later / Early Binding                     |
Sub LaterOrEarlyBinding()
  'Early Binding
  Dim SCt2 As Scripting.Dictionary ' Object
  Set SCt2 = New Scripting.Dictionary
  'Later Binding
  Set SCt2 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub
'|                 Variables on Sub / Function                  |
'Code: { ""|Public / Private } + { Sub / Function }  + { NameSub } + ( { Cluster VarName / ParamArray VarName} ) + { As Variables(Only Function) }
'.......Cluster Variables:
'Code: { "" /Optional } + { "" | ByVal / ByRef } + { VarName } + { As Variables / "" }
'1. ParamArray is lies behind the Variables
'2. Behind the Variables is ParamArray
'3. Every Sub / Function contain only one ParamArray
'4. Exam: Go to Run Sub Call_Get_Set_Assign_ParamArray_______myFuncExam()
'1. ByRef:
Sub basic_Test_BR()
   Dim X As Integer
   X = 10
   Debug.Print TripleByRef(X) 'Can Get x in ByRef
   Debug.Print X '-> x change: x = 30
   Debug.Print TripleByRef(X) '-> x change: x = 90
   'selected Macro
   Application.Goto "basic_Test_BV"
End Sub
Function TripleByRef(ByRef X As Integer) As Integer
   X = X * 3
   TripleByRef = X
End Function
'2. ByVal:
Sub basic_Test_BV()
   Dim X As Integer
   X = 10
   Debug.Print TripleByVal(X) 'Can Not Get x with ByVal
   Debug.Print X '-> x not change: x = 10
   Debug.Print TripleByVal(X) 'x not change -> result 30, x = 10
End Sub
Function TripleByVal(ByVal X As Integer) As Integer
   X = X * 3
   TripleByVal = X
End Function
'|                          Declare                             |
'public / private
Sub basic_Declare()
   ' STARTS LIST - starts of structures that contain lines to indent
   Dim StructureStarts
   StructureStarts = Array( _
   "Do", "Do *", "Do: *", _
   "For *", _
   "If * Then", "If * Then: *", "If * Then [!A-Z,!a-z]*", _
   "Select Case *", _
   "Type *", "Private Type *", "Public Type *", _
   "While *", _
   "With *", _
   "Sub *", "Static Sub *", "Private Sub *", "Public Sub *", "Friend Sub *", _
   "Private Static Sub *", "Public Static Sub *", "Friend Static Sub *", _
   "Function *", "Static Function *", "Private Function *", _
   "Public Function *", "Friend Function *", "Private Static Function *", _
   "Public Static Function *", "Friend Static Function, *", _
   "Property Get *", "Static Property Get *", "Private Property Get *", _
   "Public Property Get *", "Friend Property Get *", _
   "Private Static Property Get *", "Public Static Property Get *", _
   "Friend Static Property Get *", _
   "Property Let *", "Static Property Let *", "Private Property Let *", _
   "Public Property Let *", "Friend Property Let *", _
   "Private Static Property Let *", "Public Static Property Let *", _
   "Friend Static Property Let *", _
   "Property Set *", "Static Property Set *", "Private Property Set *", _
   "Public Property Set *", "Friend Property Set *", _
   "Private Static Property Set *", "Public Static Property Set *", _
   "Friend Static Property Set *")
   ' ENDS LIST - ends of structures that contain lines to indent
   Dim StructureEnds
   StructureEnds = Array( _
   "Loop", "Loop *", "Loop: *", _
   "Next", "Next *", "Next: *", _
   "End If", "End If *", "End If: *", _
   "End Select", "End Select *", "End Select: *", _
   "End Type", "End Type *", "End Type: *", _
   "Wend", "Wend *", "Wend: *", _
   "End With", "End With *", "End With: *", _
   "End Sub", "End Sub *", _
   "End Function", "End Function *", _
   "End Property", "End Property *", "End Property: *")
   ' OUTDENTS LIST - exceptions that need re-aligned with respective start elements
   Dim Outdents
   Outdents = Array( _
   "Else", "Else *", "Else: *", "Else:", _
   "ElseIf * Then", "ElseIf * Then*", _
   "Case", "Case *", _
   "Case Else", "Case Else:", "Case Else *", "Case Else:*")
End Sub
'-------------- Sub --------------
'+ Call | Get | ParramArray
'+ Call in button | Sub | Function | Events
Sub mySubExam1()
   Dim getStr As Integer
   mySubExam2 getStr 'Get "Assigned by" by Variables
   Debug.Print getStr
   'ParramArray - go tp Function example
End Sub
Sub mySubExam2(Inte As Integer)
   Inte = 2
End Sub
'-------------- Function --------------
'+ Call | Get | Assign | Set | ParramArray
'+ Call in Cells | Sub | Function | Immediate | Events
Sub Call_Get_Set_Assign_ParamArray_______myFuncExam()
   Call myFuncExam(True)
   Dim getBool As Boolean
   myFuncExam (getBool)
   Debug.Print getBool
   Dim i As Long
   i = myFuncExam(True)
   Debug.Print i
   Dim Obj As Object
   'If myFuncExam is Object Then
   'Set obj = myFuncExam
   Debug.Print "Set"
   'ParamArray 1
   Call myFuncExam(True, 1, 2, 3) '-> arr = Array(1, 2, 3)
   'ParamArray 2
   Call myFuncExam(True, Array("a", "b", "c")) '-> arr = Array(Array("a", "b", "c"))
   'ParamArray 3
   Call myFuncExam(True, Array("e", "f"), Array("g", "h")) '-> arr = Array(Array("e", "f"),Array("g", "h"))
End Sub
Function myFuncExam(Bool As Boolean, ParamArray Arr() As Variant) As Integer
   myFuncExam = 2
   Bool = False
   If Not IsMissing(Arr) Then
     On Error GoTo ParamArray2
     'ParamArray 1
     Debug.Print Join(Arr, " ")
   End If
   Exit Function
   Dim dArr, eArr
   For Each eArr In Arr
     For Each dArr In eArr
       dbPrint dArr
     Next dArr
   Next eArr
End Function
'|                       Input / Output                         |
'Input by InputBox | MsgBox | Assign | { "..." }
'Input by Debug.Print | MsgBox | Assign | { "..." }
Sub basic_input_output()
Dim strPut As String
strPut = InputBox("Input: ") 'Input Handle
Debug.Print strPut 'Output Print
Dim msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt, myString
msg = "Do you want to continue?"
Style = vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton2
Title = "MsgBox Demonstration"
Help = "DEMO.HLP"
Ctxt = 1000
Dim msgPut
'0 vbOKOnly
'1 vbOKCancel
'2 vbAbortRetryIgnore
'3 vbYesNoCancel
'4 vbYesNo
'5 vbRetryCancel
'16 vbCritical
'32 vbQuestion
'48 vbExclamation
'64 vbInformation
'0 vbDefaultButton1
'256 vbDefaultButton2
'512 vbDefaultButton3
'768 vbDefaultButton4
'0 vbApplicationModal
'4096 vbSystemModal
'1 - vbOK - OK was clicked
'2 - vbCancel - Cancel was clicked
'3 - vbAbort - Abort was clicked
'4 - vbRetry - Retry was clicked
'5 - vbIgnore - Ignore was clicked
'6 - vbYes - Yes was clicked
'7 - vbNo - No was clicked
msgPut = MsgBox(msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt) 'Input
If msgPut = vbYes Then: MsgBox "vbYes" 'Output Alert
   If msgPut = vbNo Then: Debug.Print "vbNo" 'Output Print
     If msgPut = vbCancel Then: MsgBox "vbCancel" 'Output Alert
     End Sub
'|                    Variables inside                          |
     '&H : Hex
     '&O : Octal
     'String           $
     'Integer          %
     'Long             &
     'Single           !
     'Double           #
     'Currency         @
     'Win64 LongPtr / LongLong
     Sub basic_Variables_inside()
      Static Obj As Object
      #If Win64 Then
        Dim e As LongLong
      #ElseIf Win32 Then
        Dim e As Long
        Dim e As Long
      #End If
       Dim a As String
       Dim AA$, BB%, CC&, DD!, EE@, FF#
       Dim B() As String 'B is Array
       Dim C As String * 20 '20 character
       Const MyInteger As Integer = 42 'MyInteger is Constants
     End Sub
      '|                    Variables Function                        |
     Function basic_Variables_Function() As String
       basic_Variables_Function = "Hello VBA"
     End Function
      '|                    Loop                                      |
      Private Sub test_basic_loop_For()
       Dim i: i = 1
       Do While i < 5 '(Loop If True <> Exit If False)
         i = i + 1
         Debug.Print "Do While", i
       i = 1
         i = i + 1
         Debug.Print "Loop While", i
       Loop While i < 5 '(Loop If True <> Exit If False)
       i = 0
       Do Until i > 5 '(Loop If False <> Exit If True)
         i = i + 1
         Debug.Print "Do Until", i
       i = 0
         i = i + 1
         Debug.Print "Loop Until", i
       Loop Until i > 5 '(Loop If False <> Exit If True)
     End Sub
     Sub basic_loop_For()
       Dim i As Long: For i = 0 To 1
       Exit For
     Next i
     'For Each...Next()
     Dim Ia: For Each Ia In Array(1, 2, 3)
     Exit For
   Next Ia
   'Do ... Loop  ----> Endless Loop - sTop by Exit Do
     If True Then Exit Do
   i = 1
   Do While i < 5 '(Loop If True <> Exit If False)
     i = i + 1
     Debug.Print "Do While", i
   i = 1
     i = i + 1
     Debug.Print "Loop While", i
   Loop While i < 5 '(Loop If True <> Exit If False)
   i = 0
   Do Until i > 5 '(Loop If False <> Exit If True)
     i = i + 1
     Debug.Print "Do Until", i
   i = 0
     i = i + 1
     Debug.Print "Loop Until", i
   Loop Until i > 5 '(Loop If False <> Exit If True)
   'While ... Wend  -----> sTop by Condition False
   i = 0
   While i <= 10
     Debug.Print "While Wend", i
     i = i + 1
End Sub
'|                    Exit statements                           |
'Exit { Do | For | Function | Property | Select | Sub | Try | While }
'|                    Error Handing                             |
'item                     Description
'On Error Goto -1
'On Error Goto 0          When  error occurs, the code sTops and displays the error.
'On Error Resume Next     Ignores the error and continues on.
'On Error Goto [Label]    Goes to a specific label when an error occurs.This allows us to handle the error.
'Err Object               When an error occurs the error information is stored here.
'Err.Number               The number of the error.(Only useful if you need to check a specific error occurred.)
'Err.Description          Contains the error text.
'Err.Source               You can populate this when you use Err.Raise.
'Err.Raise                A function that allows you to generate your own error.
'Error Function           Returns the error text from an error number.Obsolete.
'Error Statement          Simulates an error. Use Err.Raise instead.
'Code Message
'3  Return without GoSub.
'5  Invalid procedure call.
'6  Overflow.
'7  Out of memory.
'9  Subscript out of range.
'10 This array is fixed or temporarily locked.
'11 Division by zero.
'13 Type misMatch.
'14 Out of string space.
'16 Expression too complex.
'17 Can't perform requested operation.
'18 User interrupt occurred.
'20 Resume without error.
'28 Out of stack space.
'35 Sub, Function, or Property not defined.
'47 Too many DLL application clients.
'48 Error in loading DLL.
'49 Bad DLL calling convention.
'51 Internal error.
'52 Bad file name or number.
'53 File not found.
'54 Bad file mode.
'55 File already open.
'57 Device I/O error.
'58 File already exists.
'59 Bad record length.
'61 Disk full.
'62 Input past end of file.
'63 Bad record number.
'67 Too many files.
'68 Device unavailable.
'70 Permission denied.
'71 Disk not ready.
'74 Can't rename with different drive.
'75 Path/File access error.
'76 Path not found.
'91 Object variable or With block variable not set.
'92 For loop not initialized.
'93 Invalid pattern string.
'94 Invalid use of Null.
'97 Can't call Friend procedure on an object that is not an instance of the defining class.
'98 A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private object, either as an argument or as a return value.
'298  System DLL could not be loaded.
'320  Can't use character device names in specified file names.
'321  Invalid file format.
'322  Cant create necessary temporary file.
'325  Invalid format in resource file.
'327  Data value named not found.
'328  Illegal parameter; can't write arrays.
'335  Could not access system registry.
'336  Component not correctly registered.
'337  Component not found.
'338  Component did not run correctly.
'360  Object already loaded.
'361  Can't load or unload this object.
'363  Control specified not found.
'364  Object was unloaded.
'365  Unable to unload within this context.
'368  The specified file is out of date. This program requires a later version.
'371  The specified object can't be used as an owner form for Show.
'380  Invalid property value.
'381  Invalid property-array index.
'382  Property Set can't be executed at run time.
'383  Property Set can't be used with a read-only property.
'385  Need property-array index.
'387  Property Set not permitted.
'393  Property Get can't be executed at run time.
'394  Property Get can't be executed on write-only property.
'400  Form already displayed; can't show modally.
'402  Code must close Topmost modal form first.
'419  Permission to use object denied.
'422  Property not found.
'423  Property or method not found.
'424  Object required.
'425  Invalid object use.
'429  Component can't create object or return reference to this object.
'430  Class doesn't support Automation.
'432  File name or class name not found during Automation operation.
'438  Object doesn't support this property or method.
'440  Automation error.
'442  Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost.
'443  Automation object doesn't have a default value.
'445  Object doesn't support this action.
'446  Object doesn't support named arguments.
'447  Object doesn't support current locale setting.
'448  Named argument not found.
'449  Argument not optional or invalid property assignment.
'450  Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment.
'451  Object not a collection.
'452  Invalid ordinal.
'453  Specified not found.
'454  Code resource not found.
'455  Code resource lock error.
'457  This key is already associated with an element of this collection.
'458  Variable uses a type not supported in Visual Basic.
'459  This component doesn't support the set of events.
'460  Invalid Clipboard format.
'461  Method or data member not found.
'462  The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable.
'463  Class not registered on local machine.
'480  Can't create AutoRedraw image.
'481  Invalid picture.
'482  Printer error.
'483  Printer driver does not support specified property.
'484  Problem getting printer information from the system. Make sure the printer is set up correctly.
'485  Invalid picture type.
'486  Can't print form image to this type of printer.
'520  Can't empty Clipboard.
'521  Can't open Clipboard.
'735  Can't save file to TEMP directory.
'744  Search text not found.
'746  Replacements too long.
'31001  Out of memory.
'31004  No object.
'31018  Class is not set.
'31027  Unable to activate object.
'31032  Unable to create embedded object.
'31036  Error saving to file.
'31037  Error loading from file.
Sub OnGosubGotoDemo()
   Dim Number, myString
   Number = 2 ' Initialize variable.
   ' Branch to Sub2.
   On Number GoSub Sub1, sub2 ' Execution resumes here after
   ' On...GoSub.
   On Number GoTo Line1, Line2 ' Branch to Line2.
   ' Execution does not resume here after On...GoTo.
   Exit Sub
   myString = "In Sub1": Return
   myString = "In Sub2": Return
   myString = "In Line1"
   myString = "In Line2"
End Sub
Sub UsingResumeNext()
   On Error Resume Next
   Dim X As Long, Y As Long
   X = 6
   Y = 6 / 0
   X = 7
End Sub
Sub UsingGotoLine()
   On Error GoTo EH
   Dim X As Long, Y As Long
   X = 6
   Y = 6 / 0
   X = 7
   Exit Sub
   MsgBox "The following error occurred: " & Err.Description
End Sub
Sub TwoErrors()
   On Error GoTo EH
   ' generate "Type misMatch" error
   Error (13)
   Exit Sub
   On Error GoTo eh_other
   ' generate "Application-defined" error
   Error (1034)
   Exit Sub
   Debug.Print "ehother " & Err.Description
End Sub
Sub TwoErrors2()
   On Error GoTo EH
   ' generate "Type misMatch" error
   Error (13)
   Exit Sub
   ' clear error
   On Error GoTo -1
   On Error GoTo eh_other
   ' generate "Application-defined" error
   Error (1034)
   Exit Sub
   Debug.Print "ehother " & Err.Description
End Sub
Sub UsingErr()
10 On Error GoTo EH
   Dim val As Long
20 val = "aa"
30 Exit Sub
40 Debug.Print Erl
End Sub
Sub ReadWorksheet()
   On Error GoTo EH
   If True Then
     Err.Raise 123456, "ReadWorksheet" _
     , "The Value in the cell A1 must have exactly 5 characters."
   End If
   ' continue on if cell has valid data
   Dim iD As String
   iD = 2
   Exit Sub
   ' Err.Raise will send code to here
   alert "Error found: " & Err.Description
End Sub
Sub UsingErrClear()
   Dim Count As Long, i As Long
   ' Continue if error as we will check the error number
   On Error Resume Next
   For i = 0 To 9
     ' generate error for every second one
     If i Mod 2 = 0 Then Error (13)
     ' Check for error
     If Err.Number <> 0 Then
       Count = Count + 1
       Err.Clear    ' Clear Err once it is counted
     End If
   Debug.Print "The number of errors was: " & Count
End Sub
Sub Logger(sType As String, sSource As String, sDetails As String)
   Dim sFileName As String
   sFileName = "C:\temp\logging.txt"
   ' Archive file at certain size
   If FileLen(sFileName) > 20000 Then
     FileCopy sFileName _
     , Replace(sFileName, ".txt", Format(Now, "ddmmyyyy hhmmss.txt"))
     Kill sFileName
   End If
   ' Open the file to write
   Dim filenumber As Variant
   filenumber = FreeFile
   Open sFileName For Append As #filenumber
   Print #filenumber, CStr(Now) & "," & sType & "," & sSource _
   & "," & sDetails & "," & Application.UserName
   Close #filenumber
End Sub
Sub SimDivError()
   On Error GoTo EH
   ' This will create a division by zero error
   Error 11
   Exit Sub
   Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
End Sub
Sub RaiseError(ByVal errorno As Long, ByVal src As String _
   , ByVal proc As String, ByVal desc As String, ByVal lineno As Long)
   Dim sLineNo As Long, sSource As String
   ' If no marker then this is the first time RaiseError was called
   If Left(src, Len(MARKER)) <> MARKER Then
     ' Add error line number if present
     If lineno <> 0 Then
       sSource = vbCrLf & "Line no: " & lineno & " "
     End If
     ' Add marker and procedure to source
     sSource = MARKER & sSource & vbCrLf & proc
     ' If error has already been raised then just add on procedure Name
     sSource = src & vbCrLf & proc
   End If
   ' If the code sTops here, make sure DisplayError is placed in the Top most Sub
   Err.Raise errorno, sSource, desc
End Sub
Sub DisplayError(ByVal src As String, ByVal desc As String _
   , ByVal sProcName As String)
   ' Remove the marker
   src = Replace(src, MARKER, "")
   Dim sMsg As String
   sMsg = "The following error occurred: " & vbCrLf & Err.Description _
   & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Error Location is: "
   sMsg = sMsg + src & vbCrLf & sProcName
   ' Display message
   MsgBox sMsg, Title:="Error"
End Sub
Sub Topmost()
   On Error GoTo EH
   Exit Sub
   DisplayError Err.Source, Err.Description, "Module1.Topmost"
End Sub
Sub Level1()
   On Error GoTo EH
   Exit Sub
   RaiseError Err.Number, Err.Source, "Module1.Level1", Err.Description, Erl
End Sub
Sub Level2()
   On Error GoTo EH
   ' Error here
   Dim a As Long
   a = "7 / 0"
   Exit Sub
   RaiseError Err.Number, Err.Source, "Module1.Level2", Err.Description, Erl
End Sub
Sub Level3()
   On Error GoTo EH
   ' Error here
   Dim a As Long
'Order Row
2               a = 1
4               a = 2
5               a = 3
6               a = 4
1000000         a = "7 / 0"
   Exit Sub
   Debug.Print Erl '=1000000
End Sub
'|                       Break code                             |
Sub basic_Break_STop()
   '...any code here
   Stop     'execution will sTop here, debugging will start here
   '...the rest of the code
End Sub
Sub basic_Break_DebugAssert()
   '...any code here
   Debug.Assert False     'execution will sTop here, debugging will start here
   '...the rest of the code
End Sub
'|                       VBA - Decisions                        |
Sub basic_decisions()
  Dim val1    As Integer, val2 As Integer, maxOfTwo As Integer
  Dim val3     As Integer
  'Dim val1 As Integer
  'Dim val2 As Integer
  val1 = 1
  val2 = 10
  val1 = 1: val2 = 10
  val1 = 1:             val2 = 10
  If val1 > val2 Then
    maxOfTwo = val1
    maxOfTwo = val2
  End If
  maxOfTwo = IIf(val1 > val2, val1, val2)
  Debug.Print maxOfTwo
  'Cach 1:
  If 1 = 2 Then
  End If
  'Cach 2:
  If 1 = 2 Then:
  'Cach 1:
  If 1 = 2 Then
  End If
  'Cach 2:
  If 1 = 2 Then: Else:
     'Cach 1:
     If 1 = 2 Then
     ElseIf 2 = 3 Then
     End If
     Dim intVal As Integer
     intVal = 10
     Select Case intVal
     Case 1
       Debug.Print "The Value is 1"
     Case 2 To 5
       Debug.Print "The Value is between 1 and 5"
     Case 6 To 10
       Debug.Print "The Value is between 1 and 10"
     Case 11, 12, 13
       Debug.Print "The Value is either 11, 12 or 13"
     Case Else
       Debug.Print "Another Value"
     End Select
     Select Case intVal
     Case Is <= 10
       Debug.Print "The Value is less than or equal 10"
     Case Is <= 20
       Debug.Print "The Value is less than or equal 20"
     Case Is <= 30, Is > 50
       Debug.Print "The Value is less than or equal 30 or higher than 50"
     Case Else
       Debug.Print "Another Value"
     End Select
End Sub
'|                           VBA - Operators                    |
'The Arithmatic Operators: + | - | * | / | % | ^
'The Comparison Operators: = | <> | > | < | >= | <=
'The Logical Operators: And | Or | Not | Xor
'The Concatenation Operators: + | &
'|                 VBA - Worksheets & Workbooks                 |
Sub basic_VBA_Worksheets_Workbooks()
   ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(2).Range("A1").Value = "Off"
   ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value = "Off"
   Dim wb As Workbook, WS As Worksheet
   Set wb = Application.Workbooks(1)
   'Set wb = Application.Workbooks("Book1")
   Set WS = wb.Worksheets(1)
   Set WS = wb.Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Name)
   With ActiveSheet
   End With
   With Sheets(1)
   End With
   With Sheets(ActiveSheet.Name)
   End With
End Sub
'|                       VBA - Ranges & Cells                   |
Sub basic_VBA_Ranges_Cells()
   Dim aRng
   aRng = Range("A1") '| aRng = [A1] | aRng= Cells(1, 1)
   aRng = Range("A" & 1)
   aRng = Range("A1:A" & 2)
   aRng = Range("A1", Range("A2"))
   Range("A1, D1").Value = "Off"
   aRng = Range("A:A")
   aRng = Sheets(1).Range("A1")
   aRng = Cells(2, "D").Value
   aRng = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 2))
   Range("A1") = "Off"
   With Sheets(1)
     aRng = .Range("A1") ' aRng = .[A1] | aRng = .Cells(1, 1)
   End With
   Dim bRng As Range
   Set bRng = Range("A1:A2")
   Set bRng = Intersect(Range("B:B"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
   Set bRng = ActiveSheet.CurrentRegion
   'Set rng = Range("CELL_Name") 'Referencing Named Ranges
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Value, Range("A1").Value2
   Debug.Print Selection.Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Row
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Rows
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Column
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Columns
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Rows
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Resize(1, 1).Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Offset(1, 2).Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").End(xlToLeft).Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").End(xlToRight).Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").End(xlDown).Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").End(xlUp).Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
End Sub
'|                          VBA - Array                         |
Sub basic_Array()
   'Array Declaration:
   Dim Arr1()
   Dim Arr2(5)
   Dim Arr3: Arr3 = Array("apple", "Orange", "Grapes")
   'Assigning Values to an Array
   Debug.Print Arr3(0)
   ReDim Arr1(5)
   ReDim Arr1(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
   'ReDim Preserve arr1(7)
   'Multi-Dimensional Arrays
   Dim Arr4(2, 2) As Variant
   Arr4(0, 0) = "Apple"
   Arr4(0, 1) = "Orange"
   Arr4(1, 0) = "Apple"
   Arr4(1, 1) = "Orange"
   If IsArray(Arr4) Then
     Debug.Print LBound(Arr4, 1)
     Debug.Print UBound(Arr4, 1)
     Debug.Print UBound(Arr4, 2)
   End If
   Dim a, B, C, d As Variant, X
   a = Array("Red", "Blue", "Yellow")
   B = Filter(a, "B")
   dbPrint B
   For Each X In B
     Debug.Print ("The Filter result 1: " & X)
   Dim AA As Variant
   AA = Split("Red Blue Yellow", " ")
   Debug.Print Join(AA, " - ")
End Sub
Private Sub test_ExampleParamArray()
   ExampleParamArray 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
End Sub
Sub ExampleParamArray(ParamArray Arr())
   Dim CArr
   For Each CArr In Arr
     Debug.Print CArr
End Sub
Private Sub ConstantdemoClick()
   Dim NumArray(3)
   NumArray(0) = "VBScript"
   NumArray(1) = 1.05
   NumArray(2) = 25
   NumArray(3) = #4/23/2013#
   Dim dynamicArray()
   ReDim dynamicArray(9)   ' Allocate storage space.
   Erase NumArray          ' Each element is reinitialized.
   Erase dynamicArray      ' Free memory used by array.
   Debug.Print ("The Value at Zeroth index of NumArray is " & NumArray(0))
   Debug.Print ("The Value at First index of NumArray is " & NumArray(1))
   Debug.Print ("The Value at Second index of NumArray is " & NumArray(2))
   Debug.Print ("The Value at Third index of NumArray is " & NumArray(3))
End Sub
'|             VBA - User Defined Functions / Sub               |
Function findArea(Length As Double, Optional Width As Variant)
   If IsMissing(Width) Then
     findArea = Length * Length
     findArea = Length * Width
   End If
End Function
Sub Area(X As Double, Y As Double)
   MsgBox X * Y
End Sub
Sub Area2()
   Dim Y&
   If Y = 1 Then GoSub SubChangeY
   MsgBox Y
   Exit Sub
  Y = 2
End Sub
'|                      VBA - Error Handling                    |
'On Error { GoTo [ line | 0 | -1 ] | Resume Next }
Public Sub basic_Error_Handling()
   Dim X, Y, z As Integer
   X = 50
   Y = 0
   On Error Resume Next
   z = X / Y
   On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next
   z = X / Y
   On Error GoTo -1
   Err.Raise 1112
   Select Case Err.Number
   Case 1112
     Debug.Print ("Error# 1112") & " : " & Err.Description
   Case Else
     Debug.Print "UNKNOWN ERROR  - Error# " & Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description
   End Select
   Resume Next
   On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
   z = X / 0
   Select Case Err.Number
   Case 11
     Debug.Print ("Error# 11") & " : " & Err.Description
   Case 20
     Debug.Print ("Error# 20") & " : " & Err.Description
   Case Else
     Debug.Print "UNKNOWN ERROR  - Error# " & Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description
   End Select
   Resume Next
End Sub
Public Sub basic_Error_RunTimeError()
   Call Err.Raise(1, "DefineArray", "Not supported var type")
End Sub
'|                        VBA - Array                           |
'...............VBA Array Limits:
'maximum size of (2^31)-1 (equal to 2’147’483’647)
'memory used by the array (about 500MB for 32-bit VBA and about 4GB for 64-bit VBA)
'.......Typical VBA Array errors: Runtime Error 9: Subscript out of range
'............VBA Array Functions:
'LBound(Array, Rank)
'UBound(Array, Rank)
'ReDim Preserve
'......One-dimensional VBA Array:
Sub basic_VBA_Array_onedim()
   Dim Arr(3) 'index (0 ,1, 2)
   Dim onedimArray(1 To 3) As Long 'index (1 ,2, 3)
   'traverse (iterate) through a VBA Array
   Dim arrItem
   For Each arrItem In Arr
     Debug.Print arrItem
   Next arrItem
   Dim i As Long
   For i = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
     Debug.Print Arr(i)
   Next i
End Sub
'....Multi-dimensional VBA Array:
Sub basic_VBA_Array_Multidim()
   Dim twodimArray(5, 15) As Long
   twodimArray(1, 15) = 10
   twodimArray(2, 10) = 10
   Dim threedimArray(5, 10, 15) As Long
   threedimArray(2, 10, 12) = 3
   threedimArray(5, 10, 15) = 9
End Sub
'................Fixed VBA array:
Sub basic_VBA_Array_Fixed()
   Dim dynamicArray() As String
   ReDim dynamicArray(5)
   ReDim dynamicArray(1 To 11)
   'ReDim Statement – Resizing a Dynamic VBA Array
   dynamicArray(2) = 5
   ReDim Preserve dynamicArray(14)
End Sub
'.....Erasing Dynamic VBA Arrays:
Sub basic_VBA_Array_Erasing()
   Dim Arr() As Long
   ReDim Arr(100, 100)
   Arr(1, 1) = 0
   Arr(100, 100) = 100
   Debug.Print UBound(Arr) 'Result: 100
   Debug.Print LBound(Arr) 'Result: 1
   Erase Arr
End Sub
'...........Merging 2 VBA Arrays:
Function Merge(ByVal Arr1 As Variant, ByVal Arr2 As Variant) As Variant
   Dim tmpArr As Variant, upper1 As Long, upper2 As Long
   Dim higherUpper As Long, i As Long, newIndex As Long
   upper1 = UBound(Arr1) + 1: upper2 = UBound(Arr2) + 1
   higherUpper = IIf(upper1 >= upper2, upper1, upper2)
   ReDim tmpArr(upper1 + upper2 - 1)
   For i = 0 To higherUpper
     If i < upper1 Then
       tmpArr(newIndex) = Arr1(i)
       newIndex = newIndex + 1
     End If
     If i < upper2 Then
       tmpArr(newIndex) = Arr2(i)
       newIndex = newIndex + 1
     End If
   Next i
   Merge = tmpArr
End Function
'Comparing two arrays (1 Dimensional):
Function Compare1DArrays(ByVal Arr1 As Variant, ByVal Arr2 As Variant) As Boolean
   Dim i As Long
   For i = LBound(Arr1) To UBound(Arr1)
     If Arr1(i) <> Arr2(i) Then
       Compare1DArrays = False
       Exit Function
     End If
   Next i
   Compare1DArrays = True
End Function
'Sorting an array (1 Dimensional) – Quick Sort:
Public Sub QuickSort(vArray As Variant, lowerBound As Long, upperBound As Long)
   Dim pivot   As Variant
   Dim tmpSwap As Variant
   Dim tmpLow  As Long
   Dim tmpHi   As Long
   tmpLow = lowerBound
   tmpHi = upperBound
   pivot = vArray((lowerBound + upperBound) \ 2)
   While (tmpLow <= tmpHi)
     While (vArray(tmpLow) < pivot And tmpLow < upperBound)
       tmpLow = tmpLow + 1
     While (pivot < vArray(tmpHi) And tmpHi > lowerBound)
       tmpHi = tmpHi - 1
     If (tmpLow <= tmpHi) Then
       tmpSwap = vArray(tmpLow)
       vArray(tmpLow) = vArray(tmpHi)
       vArray(tmpHi) = tmpSwap
       tmpLow = tmpLow + 1
       tmpHi = tmpHi - 1
     End If
   If (lowerBound < tmpHi) Then QuickSort vArray, lowerBound, tmpHi
   If (tmpLow < upperBound) Then QuickSort vArray, tmpLow, upperBound
End Sub
'....The VBA Dictionary object:
Sub basic_VBA_Dict()
   Dim Dict As Object
   Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
   Dim key, val
   key = "SomeKey": val = "SomeValue"
   If Not Dict.Exists(key) Then
     Dict.Add key, val
   End If
   Debug.Print Dict.Count 'Result: 1
   Set Dict = Nothing
End Sub
'_______Traversing items and keys:
Sub basic_VBA_DictTraversing()
   Dim Dict As Object, key, val, Item
   Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
   key = "Key1": val = "Val1"
   Dict.Add key, val
   key = "Key2": val = "Val2"
   Dict.Add key, val
   For Each key In Dict.Keys
     Debug.Print key
   Next key
   For Each Item In Dict.Items
     Debug.Print Item
   Next Item
   Set Dict = Nothing
End Sub
'__________________Removing items:
Sub basic_VBA_Dict_Removing_items()
   Dim Dict As Object, key, val
   Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
   key = "Key1": val = "Val1"
   Dict.Add key, val
   key = "Key2": val = "Val2"
   Dict.Add key, val
   Dict.Remove "Key2"
   Set Dict = Nothing
End Sub
'........The VBA ArrayList object:
Sub basic_VBA_ArrayList()
   Dim arrList As Object, Item
   Set arrList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") 'Create the ArrayList
   arrList.Add "hello"
   arrList.Add "You"
   arrList.Add "There"
   arrList.Add "Man"
   arrList.Remove "Man"
   'Get number of items
   Debug.Print arrList.Count 'Result: 3
   For Each Item In arrList
     Debug.Print Item
   Next Item
End Sub
'...................The VBA Queue:
Sub basic_VBA_Queue()
   Dim queue As Object, peekAtFirst, doesContain, firstInQueue
   Set queue = CreateObject("System.Collections.Queue") 'Create the Queue
   queue.Enqueue "hello"
   queue.Enqueue "There"
   queue.Enqueue "Mr"
   queue.Enqueue "Smith"
   peekAtFirst = queue.Peek() 'Result" "hello"
   doesContain = queue.contains("htrh") 'Result: False
   doesContain = queue.contains("hello") 'Result: True
   'Get first item in Queue and remove it from the Queue
   firstInQueue = queue.Dequeue() '"hello"
   'Count items
   Debug.Print queue.Count 'Result: 3
   'Clear the Queue
   Set queue = Nothing
End Sub
'...................The VBA Stack:
Sub basic_VBA_Stack()
   Dim stack As Object, peekAtTopOfStack, doesContain, TopStack
   Set stack = CreateObject("System.Collections.Stack") 'Create Stack
   stack.Push "hello"
   stack.Push "There"
   stack.Push "Mr"
   stack.Push "Smith"
   peekAtTopOfStack = stack.Peek()
   doesContain = stack.contains("htrh") 'Result: False
   doesContain = stack.contains("hello") 'Result: True
   'Get item from the Top of the stack (LIFO)
   TopStack = stack.Pop()  'Result: "Smith"
   'Clear the Stack
   Set stack = Nothing
End Sub
'..Other useful data structures:
'|                     VBA COLLECTION                           |
   Dim myCol As Collection
   Set myCol = New Collection
   '.....Adding items:
   myCol.Add 10, key:="Key10" 'Items: 10
   myCol.Add 20, "Key20" 'Items: 10, 20
   myCol.Add 30, "Key30" 'Items: 10, 20, 30
   myCol.Add 40, "Key40", Before:=1  'Items: 40, 10, 20, 30
   myCol.Add 50, "Key50", After:=1  'Items: 40, 50, 10, 20, 30
   '....Getting items:
   Debug.Print myCol("Key10")
   '...Removing items:
   myCol.Remove (2) 'Items: 40, 10, 20, 30
   Debug.Print myCol.Count '4
   Dim it As Variant
   For Each it In myCol
     Debug.Print it '10, 20, 30
   Next it
   'Print items in Collection
   Dim i As Long
   For i = 1 To myCol.Count
     Debug.Print myCol(i) '10, 20, 30
   Next i
   'Check if VBA Collection contains item:
   Debug.Print CollectionContains(myCol, 20) 'True
   Debug.Print CollectionContains(myCol, 60) 'False
   Debug.Print myCol.Item(1)
   'Convert VBA Collection to VBA Array:
   Dim Arr() As Variant
   Arr = CollectionToArray(myCol)
   dbPrint Arr
End Sub
Function CollectionContains(myCol As Collection, checkVal As Variant) As Boolean
   On Error Resume Next
   CollectionContains = False
   Dim it As Variant
   For Each it In myCol
     If it = checkVal Then
       CollectionContains = True
       Exit Function
     End If
End Function
Function CollectionToArray(Col As Collection) As Variant()
   Dim Arr() As Variant, Index As Long, it As Variant
   ReDim Arr(1 To Col.Count) As Variant
   For Each it In Col
     Index = Index + 1
     Arr(Index) = it
   Next it
   CollectionToArray = Arr
End Function
'|                     VBA - Class                              |
'********************** Go to ClassModule "BasicClass"**********************
'___________Variables, Procedures and Functions
'________________Properties – Get, Let and Set:
'Get – return Value of the property
'Let – set the Value of the property
'Set – set the object Value of the property (if applies)
'____________Events – Initialize and Terminate:
'Private Sub Class_Initialize() – fired when the Class object is initialized e.g.
'Private Sub Class_Terminate() – fired when the Class object is destroyed e.g.
'__Instancing – Private vs. PublicNonCreatable:
'Private : New clause
'PublicNonCreatable: cannot be New clause
'|                     VBA - PERFORMANCE                        |
Sub basic_VBA_SpeedOn()
   With Application
     .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
     .CalculateBeforeSave = False
     .ScreenUpdating = False
     .EnableEvents = False
     .DisplayAlerts = False
     .Cursor = xlWait
     .StatusBar = True
     .EnableCancelKey = xlErrorHandler
   End With
   ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False
End Sub
Sub basic_VBA_SpeedOff()
   With Application
     .Calculation = xlAutomatic
     .ScreenUpdating = True
     .EnableEvents = True
     .DisplayAlerts = True
     .CalculateBeforeSave = True
     .Cursor = xlDefault
     .StatusBar = False
     .EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt
   End With
   ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = True
End Sub

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Lần chỉnh sửa cuối:
Để bắt đầu học Lập trình VBA một cách tốt nhất, các bạn hãy thử theo cách sau của tôi, nếu thấy hay thì có thể vận dụng:
1. Học cửa sổ VBE , menu và các nút trên VBE
2. Học cách Debug một dòng code (Phải biết), Cách Debug đi đôi với cửa sổ Local Window và Watch Window để xem code chạy từng dòng như thế nào ở menu Debug.
+ Viết code với chế độ Debug Mỗi lần viết đoạn Code xong là Ấn "Compile ..." để soát lỗi​
+ Chạy Code (F5) để soát lỗi​

3. Tìm kiếm hàm, các hằng (ví dụ: vbBlack, vbNullString, ...) , các phương thức,... trong: Object Browers ( Ấn F2 ) (Rất quan trọng)
4. Các Cửa sổ VBE: Immediate (Ctrl + g), Locals Window, Watch Window
+ Immediate: Debug trong Immediate rất hay để các bạn có thể viết hàm để chạy thử.​
++ Nếu là Function thì Gõ chuỗi vào cửa sổ Immediate và ấn Enter:​
?TestFunction(Var1,Var2, ...)​
?1 = 2​
++ Với Sub thì không cần dấu ?​
+ Locals Window và Watch Window: Đánh dấu Breakpoint chạy debug (Dấu tròn đỏ trước dòng code), thì cửa sổ này sẽ diễn giải code đang chạy từng dòng như thế nào​
5. Các phím tắt VBE: https://www.excelcampus.com/vba/excel-vba-macro-shortcuts/
6. Cách thêm References
7. Học VBIDE để biết cách tạo module, class module, ... của Excel và VBA bằng chính VBA
8. Học các Hàm, Các phương thức hướng sự kiện. (Vận dụng tìm kiếm trong Object Browers)
Cách bắt sự kiện Application (Thường là một Add-Ins ) , Workbook, Worksheet, Userform
9. Học căn bản VBA. Module VBA basic dưới kia và *Tham Khảo học: http://viettuts.vn/excel-vba
Hàm dbPrint của tôi có thể giúp đỡ các bạn lập trình Mảng tốt hơn.
10. Sau khi viết code xong Các file có thể lưu được Code VBA:
+ Với trang tính: xls, xlsm, xlsb (Khuyên dùng)​
+ Add-ins và Style Sheet: xla, xlam (Khuyên dùng), sxl​

Còn sơ sài, sai sót, nên các bạn biết nhiều về VBA có thể góp thêm các cách hay.
Nếu các bạn thấy hay hãy chia sẽ bằng cách Đăng bài trả lời ở bài viết này!
Module Này chỉ là ý kiến cá nhân của tôi, dùng để xem những gì căn bản nhất, và chạy test các thủ tục.
Các bạn cần Vào cửa sổ VBE - Vào Tools - Vào References - tìm thêm Microsoft Scripting Runtime để module đủ điều kiện chạy các khai báo Object (Đối tượng)
Các bạn copy Bằng cách Ấn vào "Sao chép"
' ++=========================================================================++
' ||                                                                         ||
' ||                              modVBA_Basic                               ||
' ||                                                                         ||
' ++=========================================================================++
'Tien Xu ly
Option Explicit
Option Compare Binary '/Option Compare Binary
'Text:    Sort -> A Á À B
'Binary:  Sort -> A B Á À
Option Base 0 '/Option Base 1
'Start Index Array number is 0 / 1
'Array(0,1,2,3,4) / Array(1,2,3,4)
'|                         Comment                              |
'Comment with '
#Const AAAAAAAAAA1 = 1 ' Not Use ":"
Rem Comment with Rem
'#Const AAAAAAAAAA1 = 1:  Rem Test -> Error
Global AAAAAAAAAA2: Rem  <- Has ":"
Rem Not ":"
'|                         Pretreatment                         |
'*Pretreatment On Top
Option Private Module 'All Procedure in Module is Private

'Tien Xu ly bang dau #

#End If
#If Mac Then
  #If Win64 Then


  #End If
#ElseIf VBA7 Then
  'Has PtrSafe
  #If Win64 Then
    'LongPtr / LongLong / Any
    Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As LongPtr) ' Variables
  #ElseIf Win32 Then
    Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
  #Else 'Win16 <-
    Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) ' Variables
  #End If
  'Not PtrSafe
  Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
#End If
'|               Variables outside sub / function               |
'*Underneath of Pretreatment
Global name_variable As String '<Data-Type>String
Global VarGlobal2$ '<!>Global VarGlobal2 $<Data-Type>String
Global VarGlobal3 '<Data-Type>Variant
Global VarGlobal4() '<Data-Type>Early Binding Array Variant
Public Const MARKER As String = "NOT_TopMOST" '<Data-Type~Global>
Private Const myDefaulPrivate As Integer = 16
Public Const myDefaultPublic As Integer = 16
Dim myaaa As Integer
'|                   Variables Define Handle                    |
'Private / Public
Type myTypeExam
   childType As Long
   'childType& ' -> Error
End Type
Enum myEnum
  childEnum1 = 1
  childEnum2 ' -> = 2
  childEnum5 = 8
  childEnum6 '-> = 9
End Enum
Enum myLanguage
End Enum
Sub GoTo_BVBA_Range()
   Application.Goto Reference:="basic_Variables_outside"
End Sub
Sub basic_Variables_outside()
   Debug.Print myEnum.childEnum1
   Dim MyVar As myTypeExam
   MyVar.childType = 2
   Debug.Print MyVar.childType
   Debug.Print basic_VariablesDefineHandle(childEnum1)
   Dim i As Long
   For i = myLanguage.[_First] To myLanguage.[_Last]
     If i = French Then
       Debug.Print "Found French - index " & i
       Exit For
     End If
   Next i
End Sub
Function basic_VariablesDefineHandle(num As myEnum)
   basic_VariablesDefineHandle = num
End Function
Sub NewShortKeys()
   With Application
     .OnKey "^q", "Marco1"       'Ctrl+Q
     .OnKey "^w", "Marco2"       'Ctrl+W
     .OnKey "^A", "Marco3"       'Ctrl+A
     .OnKey "^Q", "Marco4"       'Ctrl+Shift+Q
     .OnKey "^W", "Marco5"       'Ctrl+Shift+W
     .OnKey "^Z", "Marco6"       'Ctrl+Shift+Z
     .OnKey "^e", "Marco7"       'Ctrl+E
     .OnKey "%q", "Marco8"       'Alt +Q
     .OnKey "%f", "Marco9"       'Alt +F
     .OnKey "^V", "Marco10"      'Ctrl+V
     .OnKey "^X", "Marco11"      'Ctrl+X
     .OnKey "^S", "Marco12"      'Ctrl+S
     .OnKey "%r", "Marco13"      'Alt+R
     .OnKey "%b", "Marco14"      'Alt+B
     .OnKey "%y", "Marco15"      'Alt+Y
     .OnKey "%j", "Marco16"      'Alt+J
     .OnKey "^N", "Marco17"      'Ctrl+Shift+N
     .OnKey "^T", "Marco18"      'Ctrl+Shift+T
     .OnKey "^D", "Marco19"      'Ctrl+Shift+D
     .OnKey "^G", "Marco20"      'Ctrl+Shift+G
     .OnKey "^K", "Marco21"      'Ctrl+Shift+K
     .OnKey "^H", "Marco22"      'Ctrl+Shift+H
     .OnKey "^U", "Marco23"      'Ctrl+Shift+U
     .OnKey "^I", "Marco24"      'Ctrl+Shift+I
     .OnKey "^O", "Marco25"      'Ctrl+Shift+O
     .OnKey "^P", "Marco26"      'Ctrl+Shift+P
     .OnKey "^L", "Marco27"      'Ctrl+Shift+L
     .OnKey "^M", "Marco28"      'Ctrl+Shift+M
   End With
End Sub
'|                    Later / Early Binding                     |
Sub LaterOrEarlyBinding()
  'Early Binding
  Dim SCt2 As Scripting.Dictionary ' Object
  Set SCt2 = New Scripting.Dictionary
  'Later Binding
  Set SCt2 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub
'|                 Variables on Sub / Function                  |
'Code: { ""|Public / Private } + { Sub / Function }  + { NameSub } + ( { Cluster VarName / ParamArray VarName} ) + { As Variables(Only Function) }
'.......Cluster Variables:
'Code: { "" /Optional } + { "" | ByVal / ByRef } + { VarName } + { As Variables / "" }
'1. ParamArray is lies behind the Variables
'2. Behind the Variables is ParamArray
'3. Every Sub / Function contain only one ParamArray
'4. Exam: Go to Run Sub Call_Get_Set_Assign_ParamArray_______myFuncExam()
'1. ByRef:
Sub basic_Test_BR()
   Dim X As Integer
   X = 10
   Debug.Print TripleByRef(X) 'Can Get x in ByRef
   Debug.Print X '-> x change: x = 30
   Debug.Print TripleByRef(X) '-> x change: x = 90
   'selected Macro
   Application.Goto "basic_Test_BV"
End Sub
Function TripleByRef(ByRef X As Integer) As Integer
   X = X * 3
   TripleByRef = X
End Function
'2. ByVal:
Sub basic_Test_BV()
   Dim X As Integer
   X = 10
   Debug.Print TripleByVal(X) 'Can Not Get x with ByVal
   Debug.Print X '-> x not change: x = 10
   Debug.Print TripleByVal(X) 'x not change -> result 30, x = 10
End Sub
Function TripleByVal(ByVal X As Integer) As Integer
   X = X * 3
   TripleByVal = X
End Function
'|                          Declare                             |
'public / private
Sub basic_Declare()
   ' STARTS LIST - starts of structures that contain lines to indent
   Dim StructureStarts
   StructureStarts = Array( _
   "Do", "Do *", "Do: *", _
   "For *", _
   "If * Then", "If * Then: *", "If * Then [!A-Z,!a-z]*", _
   "Select Case *", _
   "Type *", "Private Type *", "Public Type *", _
   "While *", _
   "With *", _
   "Sub *", "Static Sub *", "Private Sub *", "Public Sub *", "Friend Sub *", _
   "Private Static Sub *", "Public Static Sub *", "Friend Static Sub *", _
   "Function *", "Static Function *", "Private Function *", _
   "Public Function *", "Friend Function *", "Private Static Function *", _
   "Public Static Function *", "Friend Static Function, *", _
   "Property Get *", "Static Property Get *", "Private Property Get *", _
   "Public Property Get *", "Friend Property Get *", _
   "Private Static Property Get *", "Public Static Property Get *", _
   "Friend Static Property Get *", _
   "Property Let *", "Static Property Let *", "Private Property Let *", _
   "Public Property Let *", "Friend Property Let *", _
   "Private Static Property Let *", "Public Static Property Let *", _
   "Friend Static Property Let *", _
   "Property Set *", "Static Property Set *", "Private Property Set *", _
   "Public Property Set *", "Friend Property Set *", _
   "Private Static Property Set *", "Public Static Property Set *", _
   "Friend Static Property Set *")
   ' ENDS LIST - ends of structures that contain lines to indent
   Dim StructureEnds
   StructureEnds = Array( _
   "Loop", "Loop *", "Loop: *", _
   "Next", "Next *", "Next: *", _
   "End If", "End If *", "End If: *", _
   "End Select", "End Select *", "End Select: *", _
   "End Type", "End Type *", "End Type: *", _
   "Wend", "Wend *", "Wend: *", _
   "End With", "End With *", "End With: *", _
   "End Sub", "End Sub *", _
   "End Function", "End Function *", _
   "End Property", "End Property *", "End Property: *")
   ' OUTDENTS LIST - exceptions that need re-aligned with respective start elements
   Dim Outdents
   Outdents = Array( _
   "Else", "Else *", "Else: *", "Else:", _
   "ElseIf * Then", "ElseIf * Then*", _
   "Case", "Case *", _
   "Case Else", "Case Else:", "Case Else *", "Case Else:*")
End Sub
'-------------- Sub --------------
'+ Call | Get | ParramArray
'+ Call in button | Sub | Function | Events
Sub mySubExam1()
   Dim getStr As Integer
   mySubExam2 getStr 'Get "Assigned by" by Variables
   Debug.Print getStr
   'ParramArray - go tp Function example
End Sub
Sub mySubExam2(Inte As Integer)
   Inte = 2
End Sub
'-------------- Function --------------
'+ Call | Get | Assign | Set | ParramArray
'+ Call in Cells | Sub | Function | Immediate | Events
Sub Call_Get_Set_Assign_ParamArray_______myFuncExam()
   Call myFuncExam(True)
   Dim getBool As Boolean
   myFuncExam (getBool)
   Debug.Print getBool
   Dim i As Long
   i = myFuncExam(True)
   Debug.Print i
   Dim Obj As Object
   'If myFuncExam is Object Then
   'Set obj = myFuncExam
   Debug.Print "Set"
   'ParamArray 1
   Call myFuncExam(True, 1, 2, 3) '-> arr = Array(1, 2, 3)
   'ParamArray 2
   Call myFuncExam(True, Array("a", "b", "c")) '-> arr = Array(Array("a", "b", "c"))
   'ParamArray 3
   Call myFuncExam(True, Array("e", "f"), Array("g", "h")) '-> arr = Array(Array("e", "f"),Array("g", "h"))
End Sub
Function myFuncExam(Bool As Boolean, ParamArray Arr() As Variant) As Integer
   myFuncExam = 2
   Bool = False
   If Not IsMissing(Arr) Then
     On Error GoTo ParamArray2
     'ParamArray 1
     Debug.Print Join(Arr, " ")
   End If
   Exit Function
   Dim dArr, eArr
   For Each eArr In Arr
     For Each dArr In eArr
       dbPrint dArr
     Next dArr
   Next eArr
End Function
'|                       Input / Output                         |
'Input by InputBox | MsgBox | Assign | { "..." }
'Input by Debug.Print | MsgBox | Assign | { "..." }
Sub basic_input_output()
Dim strPut As String
strPut = InputBox("Input: ") 'Input Handle
Debug.Print strPut 'Output Print
Dim msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt, myString
msg = "Do you want to continue?"
Style = vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton2
Title = "MsgBox Demonstration"
Help = "DEMO.HLP"
Ctxt = 1000
Dim msgPut
'0 vbOKOnly
'1 vbOKCancel
'2 vbAbortRetryIgnore
'3 vbYesNoCancel
'4 vbYesNo
'5 vbRetryCancel
'16 vbCritical
'32 vbQuestion
'48 vbExclamation
'64 vbInformation
'0 vbDefaultButton1
'256 vbDefaultButton2
'512 vbDefaultButton3
'768 vbDefaultButton4
'0 vbApplicationModal
'4096 vbSystemModal
'1 - vbOK - OK was clicked
'2 - vbCancel - Cancel was clicked
'3 - vbAbort - Abort was clicked
'4 - vbRetry - Retry was clicked
'5 - vbIgnore - Ignore was clicked
'6 - vbYes - Yes was clicked
'7 - vbNo - No was clicked
msgPut = MsgBox(msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt) 'Input
If msgPut = vbYes Then: MsgBox "vbYes" 'Output Alert
   If msgPut = vbNo Then: Debug.Print "vbNo" 'Output Print
     If msgPut = vbCancel Then: MsgBox "vbCancel" 'Output Alert
     End Sub
'|                    Variables inside                          |
     '&H : Hex
     '&O : Octal
     'String           $
     'Integer          %
     'Long             &
     'Single           !
     'Double           #
     'Currency         @
     'Win64 LongPtr / LongLong
     Sub basic_Variables_inside()
      Static Obj As Object
      #If Win64 Then
        Dim e As LongLong
      #ElseIf Win32 Then
        Dim e As Long
        Dim e As Long
      #End If
       Dim a As String
       Dim AA$, BB%, CC&, DD!, EE@, FF#
       Dim B() As String 'B is Array
       Dim C As String * 20 '20 character
       Const MyInteger As Integer = 42 'MyInteger is Constants
     End Sub
      '|                    Variables Function                        |
     Function basic_Variables_Function() As String
       basic_Variables_Function = "Hello VBA"
     End Function
      '|                    Loop                                      |
      Private Sub test_basic_loop_For()
       Dim i: i = 1
       Do While i < 5 '(Loop If True <> Exit If False)
         i = i + 1
         Debug.Print "Do While", i
       i = 1
         i = i + 1
         Debug.Print "Loop While", i
       Loop While i < 5 '(Loop If True <> Exit If False)
       i = 0
       Do Until i > 5 '(Loop If False <> Exit If True)
         i = i + 1
         Debug.Print "Do Until", i
       i = 0
         i = i + 1
         Debug.Print "Loop Until", i
       Loop Until i > 5 '(Loop If False <> Exit If True)
     End Sub
     Sub basic_loop_For()
       Dim i As Long: For i = 0 To 1
       Exit For
     Next i
     'For Each...Next()
     Dim Ia: For Each Ia In Array(1, 2, 3)
     Exit For
   Next Ia
   'Do ... Loop  ----> Endless Loop - sTop by Exit Do
     If True Then Exit Do
   i = 1
   Do While i < 5 '(Loop If True <> Exit If False)
     i = i + 1
     Debug.Print "Do While", i
   i = 1
     i = i + 1
     Debug.Print "Loop While", i
   Loop While i < 5 '(Loop If True <> Exit If False)
   i = 0
   Do Until i > 5 '(Loop If False <> Exit If True)
     i = i + 1
     Debug.Print "Do Until", i
   i = 0
     i = i + 1
     Debug.Print "Loop Until", i
   Loop Until i > 5 '(Loop If False <> Exit If True)
   'While ... Wend  -----> sTop by Condition False
   i = 0
   While i <= 10
     Debug.Print "While Wend", i
     i = i + 1
End Sub
'|                    Exit statements                           |
'Exit { Do | For | Function | Property | Select | Sub | Try | While }
'|                    Error Handing                             |
'item                     Description
'On Error Goto -1
'On Error Goto 0          When  error occurs, the code sTops and displays the error.
'On Error Resume Next     Ignores the error and continues on.
'On Error Goto [Label]    Goes to a specific label when an error occurs.This allows us to handle the error.
'Err Object               When an error occurs the error information is stored here.
'Err.Number               The number of the error.(Only useful if you need to check a specific error occurred.)
'Err.Description          Contains the error text.
'Err.Source               You can populate this when you use Err.Raise.
'Err.Raise                A function that allows you to generate your own error.
'Error Function           Returns the error text from an error number.Obsolete.
'Error Statement          Simulates an error. Use Err.Raise instead.
'Code Message
'3  Return without GoSub.
'5  Invalid procedure call.
'6  Overflow.
'7  Out of memory.
'9  Subscript out of range.
'10 This array is fixed or temporarily locked.
'11 Division by zero.
'13 Type misMatch.
'14 Out of string space.
'16 Expression too complex.
'17 Can't perform requested operation.
'18 User interrupt occurred.
'20 Resume without error.
'28 Out of stack space.
'35 Sub, Function, or Property not defined.
'47 Too many DLL application clients.
'48 Error in loading DLL.
'49 Bad DLL calling convention.
'51 Internal error.
'52 Bad file name or number.
'53 File not found.
'54 Bad file mode.
'55 File already open.
'57 Device I/O error.
'58 File already exists.
'59 Bad record length.
'61 Disk full.
'62 Input past end of file.
'63 Bad record number.
'67 Too many files.
'68 Device unavailable.
'70 Permission denied.
'71 Disk not ready.
'74 Can't rename with different drive.
'75 Path/File access error.
'76 Path not found.
'91 Object variable or With block variable not set.
'92 For loop not initialized.
'93 Invalid pattern string.
'94 Invalid use of Null.
'97 Can't call Friend procedure on an object that is not an instance of the defining class.
'98 A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private object, either as an argument or as a return value.
'298  System DLL could not be loaded.
'320  Can't use character device names in specified file names.
'321  Invalid file format.
'322  Cant create necessary temporary file.
'325  Invalid format in resource file.
'327  Data value named not found.
'328  Illegal parameter; can't write arrays.
'335  Could not access system registry.
'336  Component not correctly registered.
'337  Component not found.
'338  Component did not run correctly.
'360  Object already loaded.
'361  Can't load or unload this object.
'363  Control specified not found.
'364  Object was unloaded.
'365  Unable to unload within this context.
'368  The specified file is out of date. This program requires a later version.
'371  The specified object can't be used as an owner form for Show.
'380  Invalid property value.
'381  Invalid property-array index.
'382  Property Set can't be executed at run time.
'383  Property Set can't be used with a read-only property.
'385  Need property-array index.
'387  Property Set not permitted.
'393  Property Get can't be executed at run time.
'394  Property Get can't be executed on write-only property.
'400  Form already displayed; can't show modally.
'402  Code must close Topmost modal form first.
'419  Permission to use object denied.
'422  Property not found.
'423  Property or method not found.
'424  Object required.
'425  Invalid object use.
'429  Component can't create object or return reference to this object.
'430  Class doesn't support Automation.
'432  File name or class name not found during Automation operation.
'438  Object doesn't support this property or method.
'440  Automation error.
'442  Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost.
'443  Automation object doesn't have a default value.
'445  Object doesn't support this action.
'446  Object doesn't support named arguments.
'447  Object doesn't support current locale setting.
'448  Named argument not found.
'449  Argument not optional or invalid property assignment.
'450  Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment.
'451  Object not a collection.
'452  Invalid ordinal.
'453  Specified not found.
'454  Code resource not found.
'455  Code resource lock error.
'457  This key is already associated with an element of this collection.
'458  Variable uses a type not supported in Visual Basic.
'459  This component doesn't support the set of events.
'460  Invalid Clipboard format.
'461  Method or data member not found.
'462  The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable.
'463  Class not registered on local machine.
'480  Can't create AutoRedraw image.
'481  Invalid picture.
'482  Printer error.
'483  Printer driver does not support specified property.
'484  Problem getting printer information from the system. Make sure the printer is set up correctly.
'485  Invalid picture type.
'486  Can't print form image to this type of printer.
'520  Can't empty Clipboard.
'521  Can't open Clipboard.
'735  Can't save file to TEMP directory.
'744  Search text not found.
'746  Replacements too long.
'31001  Out of memory.
'31004  No object.
'31018  Class is not set.
'31027  Unable to activate object.
'31032  Unable to create embedded object.
'31036  Error saving to file.
'31037  Error loading from file.
Sub OnGosubGotoDemo()
   Dim Number, myString
   Number = 2 ' Initialize variable.
   ' Branch to Sub2.
   On Number GoSub Sub1, sub2 ' Execution resumes here after
   ' On...GoSub.
   On Number GoTo Line1, Line2 ' Branch to Line2.
   ' Execution does not resume here after On...GoTo.
   Exit Sub
   myString = "In Sub1": Return
   myString = "In Sub2": Return
   myString = "In Line1"
   myString = "In Line2"
End Sub
Sub UsingResumeNext()
   On Error Resume Next
   Dim X As Long, Y As Long
   X = 6
   Y = 6 / 0
   X = 7
End Sub
Sub UsingGotoLine()
   On Error GoTo EH
   Dim X As Long, Y As Long
   X = 6
   Y = 6 / 0
   X = 7
   Exit Sub
   MsgBox "The following error occurred: " & Err.Description
End Sub
Sub TwoErrors()
   On Error GoTo EH
   ' generate "Type misMatch" error
   Error (13)
   Exit Sub
   On Error GoTo eh_other
   ' generate "Application-defined" error
   Error (1034)
   Exit Sub
   Debug.Print "ehother " & Err.Description
End Sub
Sub TwoErrors2()
   On Error GoTo EH
   ' generate "Type misMatch" error
   Error (13)
   Exit Sub
   ' clear error
   On Error GoTo -1
   On Error GoTo eh_other
   ' generate "Application-defined" error
   Error (1034)
   Exit Sub
   Debug.Print "ehother " & Err.Description
End Sub
Sub UsingErr()
10 On Error GoTo EH
   Dim val As Long
20 val = "aa"
30 Exit Sub
40 Debug.Print Erl
End Sub
Sub ReadWorksheet()
   On Error GoTo EH
   If True Then
     Err.Raise 123456, "ReadWorksheet" _
     , "The Value in the cell A1 must have exactly 5 characters."
   End If
   ' continue on if cell has valid data
   Dim iD As String
   iD = 2
   Exit Sub
   ' Err.Raise will send code to here
   alert "Error found: " & Err.Description
End Sub
Sub UsingErrClear()
   Dim Count As Long, i As Long
   ' Continue if error as we will check the error number
   On Error Resume Next
   For i = 0 To 9
     ' generate error for every second one
     If i Mod 2 = 0 Then Error (13)
     ' Check for error
     If Err.Number <> 0 Then
       Count = Count + 1
       Err.Clear    ' Clear Err once it is counted
     End If
   Debug.Print "The number of errors was: " & Count
End Sub
Sub Logger(sType As String, sSource As String, sDetails As String)
   Dim sFileName As String
   sFileName = "C:\temp\logging.txt"
   ' Archive file at certain size
   If FileLen(sFileName) > 20000 Then
     FileCopy sFileName _
     , Replace(sFileName, ".txt", Format(Now, "ddmmyyyy hhmmss.txt"))
     Kill sFileName
   End If
   ' Open the file to write
   Dim filenumber As Variant
   filenumber = FreeFile
   Open sFileName For Append As #filenumber
   Print #filenumber, CStr(Now) & "," & sType & "," & sSource _
   & "," & sDetails & "," & Application.UserName
   Close #filenumber
End Sub
Sub SimDivError()
   On Error GoTo EH
   ' This will create a division by zero error
   Error 11
   Exit Sub
   Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
End Sub
Sub RaiseError(ByVal errorno As Long, ByVal src As String _
   , ByVal proc As String, ByVal desc As String, ByVal lineno As Long)
   Dim sLineNo As Long, sSource As String
   ' If no marker then this is the first time RaiseError was called
   If Left(src, Len(MARKER)) <> MARKER Then
     ' Add error line number if present
     If lineno <> 0 Then
       sSource = vbCrLf & "Line no: " & lineno & " "
     End If
     ' Add marker and procedure to source
     sSource = MARKER & sSource & vbCrLf & proc
     ' If error has already been raised then just add on procedure Name
     sSource = src & vbCrLf & proc
   End If
   ' If the code sTops here, make sure DisplayError is placed in the Top most Sub
   Err.Raise errorno, sSource, desc
End Sub
Sub DisplayError(ByVal src As String, ByVal desc As String _
   , ByVal sProcName As String)
   ' Remove the marker
   src = Replace(src, MARKER, "")
   Dim sMsg As String
   sMsg = "The following error occurred: " & vbCrLf & Err.Description _
   & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Error Location is: "
   sMsg = sMsg + src & vbCrLf & sProcName
   ' Display message
   MsgBox sMsg, Title:="Error"
End Sub
Sub Topmost()
   On Error GoTo EH
   Exit Sub
   DisplayError Err.Source, Err.Description, "Module1.Topmost"
End Sub
Sub Level1()
   On Error GoTo EH
   Exit Sub
   RaiseError Err.Number, Err.Source, "Module1.Level1", Err.Description, Erl
End Sub
Sub Level2()
   On Error GoTo EH
   ' Error here
   Dim a As Long
   a = "7 / 0"
   Exit Sub
   RaiseError Err.Number, Err.Source, "Module1.Level2", Err.Description, Erl
End Sub
Sub Level3()
   On Error GoTo EH
   ' Error here
   Dim a As Long
'Order Row
2               a = 1
4               a = 2
5               a = 3
6               a = 4
1000000         a = "7 / 0"
   Exit Sub
   Debug.Print Erl '=1000000
End Sub
'|                       Break code                             |
Sub basic_Break_STop()
   '...any code here
   Stop     'execution will sTop here, debugging will start here
   '...the rest of the code
End Sub
Sub basic_Break_DebugAssert()
   '...any code here
   Debug.Assert False     'execution will sTop here, debugging will start here
   '...the rest of the code
End Sub
'|                       VBA - Decisions                        |
Sub basic_decisions()
  Dim val1    As Integer, val2 As Integer, maxOfTwo As Integer
  Dim val3     As Integer
  'Dim val1 As Integer
  'Dim val2 As Integer
  val1 = 1
  val2 = 10
  val1 = 1: val2 = 10
  val1 = 1:             val2 = 10
  If val1 > val2 Then
    maxOfTwo = val1
    maxOfTwo = val2
  End If
  maxOfTwo = IIf(val1 > val2, val1, val2)
  Debug.Print maxOfTwo
  'Cach 1:
  If 1 = 2 Then
  End If
  'Cach 2:
  If 1 = 2 Then:
  'Cach 1:
  If 1 = 2 Then
  End If
  'Cach 2:
  If 1 = 2 Then: Else:
     'Cach 1:
     If 1 = 2 Then
     ElseIf 2 = 3 Then
     End If
     Dim intVal As Integer
     intVal = 10
     Select Case intVal
     Case 1
       Debug.Print "The Value is 1"
     Case 2 To 5
       Debug.Print "The Value is between 1 and 5"
     Case 6 To 10
       Debug.Print "The Value is between 1 and 10"
     Case 11, 12, 13
       Debug.Print "The Value is either 11, 12 or 13"
     Case Else
       Debug.Print "Another Value"
     End Select
     Select Case intVal
     Case Is <= 10
       Debug.Print "The Value is less than or equal 10"
     Case Is <= 20
       Debug.Print "The Value is less than or equal 20"
     Case Is <= 30, Is > 50
       Debug.Print "The Value is less than or equal 30 or higher than 50"
     Case Else
       Debug.Print "Another Value"
     End Select
End Sub
'|                           VBA - Operators                    |
'The Arithmatic Operators: + | - | * | / | % | ^
'The Comparison Operators: = | <> | > | < | >= | <=
'The Logical Operators: And | Or | Not | Xor
'The Concatenation Operators: + | &
'|                 VBA - Worksheets & Workbooks                 |
Sub basic_VBA_Worksheets_Workbooks()
   ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(2).Range("A1").Value = "Off"
   ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value = "Off"
   Dim wb As Workbook, WS As Worksheet
   Set wb = Application.Workbooks(1)
   'Set wb = Application.Workbooks("Book1")
   Set WS = wb.Worksheets(1)
   Set WS = wb.Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Name)
   With ActiveSheet
   End With
   With Sheets(1)
   End With
   With Sheets(ActiveSheet.Name)
   End With
End Sub
'|                       VBA - Ranges & Cells                   |
Sub basic_VBA_Ranges_Cells()
   Dim aRng
   aRng = Range("A1") '| aRng = [A1] | aRng= Cells(1, 1)
   aRng = Range("A" & 1)
   aRng = Range("A1:A" & 2)
   aRng = Range("A1", Range("A2"))
   Range("A1, D1").Value = "Off"
   aRng = Range("A:A")
   aRng = Sheets(1).Range("A1")
   aRng = Cells(2, "D").Value
   aRng = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 2))
   Range("A1") = "Off"
   With Sheets(1)
     aRng = .Range("A1") ' aRng = .[A1] | aRng = .Cells(1, 1)
   End With
   Dim bRng As Range
   Set bRng = Range("A1:A2")
   Set bRng = Intersect(Range("B:B"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
   Set bRng = ActiveSheet.CurrentRegion
   'Set rng = Range("CELL_Name") 'Referencing Named Ranges
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Value, Range("A1").Value2
   Debug.Print Selection.Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Row
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Rows
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Column
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Columns
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Rows
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Resize(1, 1).Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Offset(1, 2).Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").End(xlToLeft).Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").End(xlToRight).Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").End(xlDown).Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").End(xlUp).Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
End Sub
'|                          VBA - Array                         |
Sub basic_Array()
   'Array Declaration:
   Dim Arr1()
   Dim Arr2(5)
   Dim Arr3: Arr3 = Array("apple", "Orange", "Grapes")
   'Assigning Values to an Array
   Debug.Print Arr3(0)
   ReDim Arr1(5)
   ReDim Arr1(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
   'ReDim Preserve arr1(7)
   'Multi-Dimensional Arrays
   Dim Arr4(2, 2) As Variant
   Arr4(0, 0) = "Apple"
   Arr4(0, 1) = "Orange"
   Arr4(1, 0) = "Apple"
   Arr4(1, 1) = "Orange"
   If IsArray(Arr4) Then
     Debug.Print LBound(Arr4, 1)
     Debug.Print UBound(Arr4, 1)
     Debug.Print UBound(Arr4, 2)
   End If
   Dim a, B, C, d As Variant, X
   a = Array("Red", "Blue", "Yellow")
   B = Filter(a, "B")
   dbPrint B
   For Each X In B
     Debug.Print ("The Filter result 1: " & X)
   Dim AA As Variant
   AA = Split("Red Blue Yellow", " ")
   Debug.Print Join(AA, " - ")
End Sub
Private Sub test_ExampleParamArray()
   ExampleParamArray 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
End Sub
Sub ExampleParamArray(ParamArray Arr())
   Dim CArr
   For Each CArr In Arr
     Debug.Print CArr
End Sub
Private Sub ConstantdemoClick()
   Dim NumArray(3)
   NumArray(0) = "VBScript"
   NumArray(1) = 1.05
   NumArray(2) = 25
   NumArray(3) = #4/23/2013#
   Dim dynamicArray()
   ReDim dynamicArray(9)   ' Allocate storage space.
   Erase NumArray          ' Each element is reinitialized.
   Erase dynamicArray      ' Free memory used by array.
   Debug.Print ("The Value at Zeroth index of NumArray is " & NumArray(0))
   Debug.Print ("The Value at First index of NumArray is " & NumArray(1))
   Debug.Print ("The Value at Second index of NumArray is " & NumArray(2))
   Debug.Print ("The Value at Third index of NumArray is " & NumArray(3))
End Sub
'|             VBA - User Defined Functions / Sub               |
Function findArea(Length As Double, Optional Width As Variant)
   If IsMissing(Width) Then
     findArea = Length * Length
     findArea = Length * Width
   End If
End Function
Sub Area(X As Double, Y As Double)
   MsgBox X * Y
End Sub
Sub Area2()
   Dim Y&
   If Y = 1 Then GoSub SubChangeY
   MsgBox Y
   Exit Sub
  Y = 2
End Sub
'|                      VBA - Error Handling                    |
'On Error { GoTo [ line | 0 | -1 ] | Resume Next }
Public Sub basic_Error_Handling()
   Dim X, Y, z As Integer
   X = 50
   Y = 0
   On Error Resume Next
   z = X / Y
   On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next
   z = X / Y
   On Error GoTo -1
   Err.Raise 1112
   Select Case Err.Number
   Case 1112
     Debug.Print ("Error# 1112") & " : " & Err.Description
   Case Else
     Debug.Print "UNKNOWN ERROR  - Error# " & Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description
   End Select
   Resume Next
   On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
   z = X / 0
   Select Case Err.Number
   Case 11
     Debug.Print ("Error# 11") & " : " & Err.Description
   Case 20
     Debug.Print ("Error# 20") & " : " & Err.Description
   Case Else
     Debug.Print "UNKNOWN ERROR  - Error# " & Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description
   End Select
   Resume Next
End Sub
Public Sub basic_Error_RunTimeError()
   Call Err.Raise(1, "DefineArray", "Not supported var type")
End Sub
'|                        VBA - Array                           |
'...............VBA Array Limits:
'maximum size of (2^31)-1 (equal to 2’147’483’647)
'memory used by the array (about 500MB for 32-bit VBA and about 4GB for 64-bit VBA)
'.......Typical VBA Array errors: Runtime Error 9: Subscript out of range
'............VBA Array Functions:
'LBound(Array, Rank)
'UBound(Array, Rank)
'ReDim Preserve
'......One-dimensional VBA Array:
Sub basic_VBA_Array_onedim()
   Dim Arr(3) 'index (0 ,1, 2)
   Dim onedimArray(1 To 3) As Long 'index (1 ,2, 3)
   'traverse (iterate) through a VBA Array
   Dim arrItem
   For Each arrItem In Arr
     Debug.Print arrItem
   Next arrItem
   Dim i As Long
   For i = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
     Debug.Print Arr(i)
   Next i
End Sub
'....Multi-dimensional VBA Array:
Sub basic_VBA_Array_Multidim()
   Dim twodimArray(5, 15) As Long
   twodimArray(1, 15) = 10
   twodimArray(2, 10) = 10
   Dim threedimArray(5, 10, 15) As Long
   threedimArray(2, 10, 12) = 3
   threedimArray(5, 10, 15) = 9
End Sub
'................Fixed VBA array:
Sub basic_VBA_Array_Fixed()
   Dim dynamicArray() As String
   ReDim dynamicArray(5)
   ReDim dynamicArray(1 To 11)
   'ReDim Statement – Resizing a Dynamic VBA Array
   dynamicArray(2) = 5
   ReDim Preserve dynamicArray(14)
End Sub
'.....Erasing Dynamic VBA Arrays:
Sub basic_VBA_Array_Erasing()
   Dim Arr() As Long
   ReDim Arr(100, 100)
   Arr(1, 1) = 0
   Arr(100, 100) = 100
   Debug.Print UBound(Arr) 'Result: 100
   Debug.Print LBound(Arr) 'Result: 1
   Erase Arr
End Sub
'...........Merging 2 VBA Arrays:
Function Merge(ByVal Arr1 As Variant, ByVal Arr2 As Variant) As Variant
   Dim tmpArr As Variant, upper1 As Long, upper2 As Long
   Dim higherUpper As Long, i As Long, newIndex As Long
   upper1 = UBound(Arr1) + 1: upper2 = UBound(Arr2) + 1
   higherUpper = IIf(upper1 >= upper2, upper1, upper2)
   ReDim tmpArr(upper1 + upper2 - 1)
   For i = 0 To higherUpper
     If i < upper1 Then
       tmpArr(newIndex) = Arr1(i)
       newIndex = newIndex + 1
     End If
     If i < upper2 Then
       tmpArr(newIndex) = Arr2(i)
       newIndex = newIndex + 1
     End If
   Next i
   Merge = tmpArr
End Function
'Comparing two arrays (1 Dimensional):
Function Compare1DArrays(ByVal Arr1 As Variant, ByVal Arr2 As Variant) As Boolean
   Dim i As Long
   For i = LBound(Arr1) To UBound(Arr1)
     If Arr1(i) <> Arr2(i) Then
       Compare1DArrays = False
       Exit Function
     End If
   Next i
   Compare1DArrays = True
End Function
'Sorting an array (1 Dimensional) – Quick Sort:
Public Sub QuickSort(vArray As Variant, lowerBound As Long, upperBound As Long)
   Dim pivot   As Variant
   Dim tmpSwap As Variant
   Dim tmpLow  As Long
   Dim tmpHi   As Long
   tmpLow = lowerBound
   tmpHi = upperBound
   pivot = vArray((lowerBound + upperBound) \ 2)
   While (tmpLow <= tmpHi)
     While (vArray(tmpLow) < pivot And tmpLow < upperBound)
       tmpLow = tmpLow + 1
     While (pivot < vArray(tmpHi) And tmpHi > lowerBound)
       tmpHi = tmpHi - 1
     If (tmpLow <= tmpHi) Then
       tmpSwap = vArray(tmpLow)
       vArray(tmpLow) = vArray(tmpHi)
       vArray(tmpHi) = tmpSwap
       tmpLow = tmpLow + 1
       tmpHi = tmpHi - 1
     End If
   If (lowerBound < tmpHi) Then QuickSort vArray, lowerBound, tmpHi
   If (tmpLow < upperBound) Then QuickSort vArray, tmpLow, upperBound
End Sub
'....The VBA Dictionary object:
Sub basic_VBA_Dict()
   Dim Dict As Object
   Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
   Dim key, val
   key = "SomeKey": val = "SomeValue"
   If Not Dict.Exists(key) Then
     Dict.Add key, val
   End If
   Debug.Print Dict.Count 'Result: 1
   Set Dict = Nothing
End Sub
'_______Traversing items and keys:
Sub basic_VBA_DictTraversing()
   Dim Dict As Object, key, val, Item
   Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
   key = "Key1": val = "Val1"
   Dict.Add key, val
   key = "Key2": val = "Val2"
   Dict.Add key, val
   For Each key In Dict.Keys
     Debug.Print key
   Next key
   For Each Item In Dict.Items
     Debug.Print Item
   Next Item
   Set Dict = Nothing
End Sub
'__________________Removing items:
Sub basic_VBA_Dict_Removing_items()
   Dim Dict As Object, key, val
   Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
   key = "Key1": val = "Val1"
   Dict.Add key, val
   key = "Key2": val = "Val2"
   Dict.Add key, val
   Dict.Remove "Key2"
   Set Dict = Nothing
End Sub
'........The VBA ArrayList object:
Sub basic_VBA_ArrayList()
   Dim arrList As Object, Item
   Set arrList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") 'Create the ArrayList
   arrList.Add "hello"
   arrList.Add "You"
   arrList.Add "There"
   arrList.Add "Man"
   arrList.Remove "Man"
   'Get number of items
   Debug.Print arrList.Count 'Result: 3
   For Each Item In arrList
     Debug.Print Item
   Next Item
End Sub
'...................The VBA Queue:
Sub basic_VBA_Queue()
   Dim queue As Object, peekAtFirst, doesContain, firstInQueue
   Set queue = CreateObject("System.Collections.Queue") 'Create the Queue
   queue.Enqueue "hello"
   queue.Enqueue "There"
   queue.Enqueue "Mr"
   queue.Enqueue "Smith"
   peekAtFirst = queue.Peek() 'Result" "hello"
   doesContain = queue.contains("htrh") 'Result: False
   doesContain = queue.contains("hello") 'Result: True
   'Get first item in Queue and remove it from the Queue
   firstInQueue = queue.Dequeue() '"hello"
   'Count items
   Debug.Print queue.Count 'Result: 3
   'Clear the Queue
   Set queue = Nothing
End Sub
'...................The VBA Stack:
Sub basic_VBA_Stack()
   Dim stack As Object, peekAtTopOfStack, doesContain, TopStack
   Set stack = CreateObject("System.Collections.Stack") 'Create Stack
   stack.Push "hello"
   stack.Push "There"
   stack.Push "Mr"
   stack.Push "Smith"
   peekAtTopOfStack = stack.Peek()
   doesContain = stack.contains("htrh") 'Result: False
   doesContain = stack.contains("hello") 'Result: True
   'Get item from the Top of the stack (LIFO)
   TopStack = stack.Pop()  'Result: "Smith"
   'Clear the Stack
   Set stack = Nothing
End Sub
'..Other useful data structures:
'|                     VBA COLLECTION                           |
   Dim myCol As Collection
   Set myCol = New Collection
   '.....Adding items:
   myCol.Add 10, key:="Key10" 'Items: 10
   myCol.Add 20, "Key20" 'Items: 10, 20
   myCol.Add 30, "Key30" 'Items: 10, 20, 30
   myCol.Add 40, "Key40", Before:=1  'Items: 40, 10, 20, 30
   myCol.Add 50, "Key50", After:=1  'Items: 40, 50, 10, 20, 30
   '....Getting items:
   Debug.Print myCol("Key10")
   '...Removing items:
   myCol.Remove (2) 'Items: 40, 10, 20, 30
   Debug.Print myCol.Count '4
   Dim it As Variant
   For Each it In myCol
     Debug.Print it '10, 20, 30
   Next it
   'Print items in Collection
   Dim i As Long
   For i = 1 To myCol.Count
     Debug.Print myCol(i) '10, 20, 30
   Next i
   'Check if VBA Collection contains item:
   Debug.Print CollectionContains(myCol, 20) 'True
   Debug.Print CollectionContains(myCol, 60) 'False
   Debug.Print myCol.Item(1)
   'Convert VBA Collection to VBA Array:
   Dim Arr() As Variant
   Arr = CollectionToArray(myCol)
   dbPrint Arr
End Sub
Function CollectionContains(myCol As Collection, checkVal As Variant) As Boolean
   On Error Resume Next
   CollectionContains = False
   Dim it As Variant
   For Each it In myCol
     If it = checkVal Then
       CollectionContains = True
       Exit Function
     End If
End Function
Function CollectionToArray(Col As Collection) As Variant()
   Dim Arr() As Variant, Index As Long, it As Variant
   ReDim Arr(1 To Col.Count) As Variant
   For Each it In Col
     Index = Index + 1
     Arr(Index) = it
   Next it
   CollectionToArray = Arr
End Function
'|                     VBA - Class                              |
'********************** Go to ClassModule "BasicClass"**********************
'___________Variables, Procedures and Functions
'________________Properties – Get, Let and Set:
'Get – return Value of the property
'Let – set the Value of the property
'Set – set the object Value of the property (if applies)
'____________Events – Initialize and Terminate:
'Private Sub Class_Initialize() – fired when the Class object is initialized e.g.
'Private Sub Class_Terminate() – fired when the Class object is destroyed e.g.
'__Instancing – Private vs. PublicNonCreatable:
'Private : New clause
'PublicNonCreatable: cannot be New clause
'|                     VBA - PERFORMANCE                        |
Sub basic_VBA_SpeedOn()
   With Application
     .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
     .CalculateBeforeSave = False
     .ScreenUpdating = False
     .EnableEvents = False
     .DisplayAlerts = False
     .Cursor = xlWait
     .StatusBar = True
     .EnableCancelKey = xlErrorHandler
   End With
   ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False
End Sub
Sub basic_VBA_SpeedOff()
   With Application
     .Calculation = xlAutomatic
     .ScreenUpdating = True
     .EnableEvents = True
     .DisplayAlerts = True
     .CalculateBeforeSave = True
     .Cursor = xlDefault
     .StatusBar = False
     .EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt
   End With
   ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = True
End Sub
Học kiểu này hoặc thành "cao thủ" hoặc là tẩu hỏa mất, thấy trông đã hoa đầy mắt, ý kiến cá nhân có thể không đúng với người khác, các bạn cứ thử
Lần chỉnh sửa cuối:
Upvote 0
Học kiểu này hoặc thành "cao thủ" hoặc là tẩu hỏa mất, thấy trông đã hoa đầy mắt, ý kiến cá nhân có thể không đúng với người khác, các bạn cứ thử
Nếu đọc thiếu câu chữ gây ra hiểu nhầm
"Module Này chỉ là ý kiến cá nhân của tôi, dùng để xem những gì căn bản nhất, và chạy test các thủ tục. "
"9. Học căn bản VBA. Module VBA basic dưới kia và *Tham Khảo học:http://viettuts.vn/excel-vba "
Upvote 0
Để bắt đầu học Lập trình VBA một cách tốt nhất, các bạn hãy thử theo cách sau của tôi, nếu thấy hay thì có thể vận dụng:
1. Học cửa sổ VBE , menu và các nút trên VBE
2. Học cách Debug một dòng code (Phải biết), Cách Debug đi đôi với cửa sổ Local Window và Watch Window để xem code chạy từng dòng như thế nào ở menu Debug.
+ Viết code với chế độ Debug Mỗi lần viết đoạn Code xong là Ấn "Compile ..." để soát lỗi​
+ Chạy Code (F5) để soát lỗi​

3. Tìm kiếm hàm, các hằng (ví dụ: vbBlack, vbNullString, ...) , các phương thức,... trong: Object Browers ( Ấn F2 ) (Rất quan trọng)
4. Các Cửa sổ VBE: Immediate (Ctrl + g), Locals Window, Watch Window
+ Immediate: Debug trong Immediate rất hay để các bạn có thể viết hàm để chạy thử.​
++ Nếu là Function thì Gõ chuỗi vào cửa sổ Immediate và ấn Enter:​
?TestFunction(Var1,Var2, ...)​
?1 = 2​
++ Với Sub thì không cần dấu ?​
+ Locals Window và Watch Window: Đánh dấu Breakpoint chạy debug (Dấu tròn đỏ trước dòng code), thì cửa sổ này sẽ diễn giải code đang chạy từng dòng như thế nào​
5. Các phím tắt VBE: https://www.excelcampus.com/vba/excel-vba-macro-shortcuts/
6. Cách thêm References
7. Học VBIDE để biết cách tạo module, class module, ... của Excel và VBA bằng chính VBA
8. Học các Hàm, Các phương thức hướng sự kiện. (Vận dụng tìm kiếm trong Object Browers)
Cách bắt sự kiện Application (Thường là một Add-Ins ) , Workbook, Worksheet, Userform
9. Học căn bản VBA. Module VBA basic dưới kia và *Tham Khảo học: http://viettuts.vn/excel-vba
Hàm dbPrint của tôi có thể giúp đỡ các bạn lập trình Mảng tốt hơn.
10. Sau khi viết code xong Các file có thể lưu được Code VBA:
+ Với trang tính: xls, xlsm, xlsb (Khuyên dùng)​
+ Add-ins và Style Sheet: xla, xlam (Khuyên dùng), sxl​

Còn sơ sài, sai sót, nên các bạn biết nhiều về VBA có thể góp thêm các cách hay.
Nếu các bạn thấy hay hãy chia sẽ bằng cách Đăng bài trả lời ở bài viết này!
Module Này chỉ là ý kiến cá nhân của tôi, dùng để xem những gì căn bản nhất, và chạy test các thủ tục.
Các bạn cần Vào cửa sổ VBE - Vào Tools - Vào References - tìm thêm Microsoft Scripting Runtime để module đủ điều kiện chạy các khai báo Object (Đối tượng)
Các bạn copy Bằng cách Ấn vào "Sao chép"
' ++=========================================================================++
' ||                                                                         ||
' ||                              modVBA_Basic                               ||
' ||                                                                         ||
' ++=========================================================================++
'Tien Xu ly
Option Explicit
Option Compare Binary '/Option Compare Binary
'Text:    Sort -> A Á À B
'Binary:  Sort -> A B Á À
Option Base 0 '/Option Base 1
'Start Index Array number is 0 / 1
'Array(0,1,2,3,4) / Array(1,2,3,4)
'|                         Comment                              |
'Comment with '
#Const AAAAAAAAAA1 = 1 ' Not Use ":"
Rem Comment with Rem
'#Const AAAAAAAAAA1 = 1:  Rem Test -> Error
Global AAAAAAAAAA2: Rem  <- Has ":"
Rem Not ":"
'|                         Pretreatment                         |
'*Pretreatment On Top
Option Private Module 'All Procedure in Module is Private

'Tien Xu ly bang dau #

#End If
#If Mac Then
  #If Win64 Then


  #End If
#ElseIf VBA7 Then
  'Has PtrSafe
  #If Win64 Then
    'LongPtr / LongLong / Any
    Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As LongPtr) ' Variables
  #ElseIf Win32 Then
    Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
  #Else 'Win16 <-
    Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) ' Variables
  #End If
  'Not PtrSafe
  Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
#End If
'|               Variables outside sub / function               |
'*Underneath of Pretreatment
Global name_variable As String '<Data-Type>String
Global VarGlobal2$ '<!>Global VarGlobal2 $<Data-Type>String
Global VarGlobal3 '<Data-Type>Variant
Global VarGlobal4() '<Data-Type>Early Binding Array Variant
Public Const MARKER As String = "NOT_TopMOST" '<Data-Type~Global>
Private Const myDefaulPrivate As Integer = 16
Public Const myDefaultPublic As Integer = 16
Dim myaaa As Integer
'|                   Variables Define Handle                    |
'Private / Public
Type myTypeExam
   childType As Long
   'childType& ' -> Error
End Type
Enum myEnum
  childEnum1 = 1
  childEnum2 ' -> = 2
  childEnum5 = 8
  childEnum6 '-> = 9
End Enum
Enum myLanguage
End Enum
Sub GoTo_BVBA_Range()
   Application.Goto Reference:="basic_Variables_outside"
End Sub
Sub basic_Variables_outside()
   Debug.Print myEnum.childEnum1
   Dim MyVar As myTypeExam
   MyVar.childType = 2
   Debug.Print MyVar.childType
   Debug.Print basic_VariablesDefineHandle(childEnum1)
   Dim i As Long
   For i = myLanguage.[_First] To myLanguage.[_Last]
     If i = French Then
       Debug.Print "Found French - index " & i
       Exit For
     End If
   Next i
End Sub
Function basic_VariablesDefineHandle(num As myEnum)
   basic_VariablesDefineHandle = num
End Function
Sub NewShortKeys()
   With Application
     .OnKey "^q", "Marco1"       'Ctrl+Q
     .OnKey "^w", "Marco2"       'Ctrl+W
     .OnKey "^A", "Marco3"       'Ctrl+A
     .OnKey "^Q", "Marco4"       'Ctrl+Shift+Q
     .OnKey "^W", "Marco5"       'Ctrl+Shift+W
     .OnKey "^Z", "Marco6"       'Ctrl+Shift+Z
     .OnKey "^e", "Marco7"       'Ctrl+E
     .OnKey "%q", "Marco8"       'Alt +Q
     .OnKey "%f", "Marco9"       'Alt +F
     .OnKey "^V", "Marco10"      'Ctrl+V
     .OnKey "^X", "Marco11"      'Ctrl+X
     .OnKey "^S", "Marco12"      'Ctrl+S
     .OnKey "%r", "Marco13"      'Alt+R
     .OnKey "%b", "Marco14"      'Alt+B
     .OnKey "%y", "Marco15"      'Alt+Y
     .OnKey "%j", "Marco16"      'Alt+J
     .OnKey "^N", "Marco17"      'Ctrl+Shift+N
     .OnKey "^T", "Marco18"      'Ctrl+Shift+T
     .OnKey "^D", "Marco19"      'Ctrl+Shift+D
     .OnKey "^G", "Marco20"      'Ctrl+Shift+G
     .OnKey "^K", "Marco21"      'Ctrl+Shift+K
     .OnKey "^H", "Marco22"      'Ctrl+Shift+H
     .OnKey "^U", "Marco23"      'Ctrl+Shift+U
     .OnKey "^I", "Marco24"      'Ctrl+Shift+I
     .OnKey "^O", "Marco25"      'Ctrl+Shift+O
     .OnKey "^P", "Marco26"      'Ctrl+Shift+P
     .OnKey "^L", "Marco27"      'Ctrl+Shift+L
     .OnKey "^M", "Marco28"      'Ctrl+Shift+M
   End With
End Sub
'|                    Later / Early Binding                     |
Sub LaterOrEarlyBinding()
  'Early Binding
  Dim SCt2 As Scripting.Dictionary ' Object
  Set SCt2 = New Scripting.Dictionary
  'Later Binding
  Set SCt2 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub
'|                 Variables on Sub / Function                  |
'Code: { ""|Public / Private } + { Sub / Function }  + { NameSub } + ( { Cluster VarName / ParamArray VarName} ) + { As Variables(Only Function) }
'.......Cluster Variables:
'Code: { "" /Optional } + { "" | ByVal / ByRef } + { VarName } + { As Variables / "" }
'1. ParamArray is lies behind the Variables
'2. Behind the Variables is ParamArray
'3. Every Sub / Function contain only one ParamArray
'4. Exam: Go to Run Sub Call_Get_Set_Assign_ParamArray_______myFuncExam()
'1. ByRef:
Sub basic_Test_BR()
   Dim X As Integer
   X = 10
   Debug.Print TripleByRef(X) 'Can Get x in ByRef
   Debug.Print X '-> x change: x = 30
   Debug.Print TripleByRef(X) '-> x change: x = 90
   'selected Macro
   Application.Goto "basic_Test_BV"
End Sub
Function TripleByRef(ByRef X As Integer) As Integer
   X = X * 3
   TripleByRef = X
End Function
'2. ByVal:
Sub basic_Test_BV()
   Dim X As Integer
   X = 10
   Debug.Print TripleByVal(X) 'Can Not Get x with ByVal
   Debug.Print X '-> x not change: x = 10
   Debug.Print TripleByVal(X) 'x not change -> result 30, x = 10
End Sub
Function TripleByVal(ByVal X As Integer) As Integer
   X = X * 3
   TripleByVal = X
End Function
'|                          Declare                             |
'public / private
Sub basic_Declare()
   ' STARTS LIST - starts of structures that contain lines to indent
   Dim StructureStarts
   StructureStarts = Array( _
   "Do", "Do *", "Do: *", _
   "For *", _
   "If * Then", "If * Then: *", "If * Then [!A-Z,!a-z]*", _
   "Select Case *", _
   "Type *", "Private Type *", "Public Type *", _
   "While *", _
   "With *", _
   "Sub *", "Static Sub *", "Private Sub *", "Public Sub *", "Friend Sub *", _
   "Private Static Sub *", "Public Static Sub *", "Friend Static Sub *", _
   "Function *", "Static Function *", "Private Function *", _
   "Public Function *", "Friend Function *", "Private Static Function *", _
   "Public Static Function *", "Friend Static Function, *", _
   "Property Get *", "Static Property Get *", "Private Property Get *", _
   "Public Property Get *", "Friend Property Get *", _
   "Private Static Property Get *", "Public Static Property Get *", _
   "Friend Static Property Get *", _
   "Property Let *", "Static Property Let *", "Private Property Let *", _
   "Public Property Let *", "Friend Property Let *", _
   "Private Static Property Let *", "Public Static Property Let *", _
   "Friend Static Property Let *", _
   "Property Set *", "Static Property Set *", "Private Property Set *", _
   "Public Property Set *", "Friend Property Set *", _
   "Private Static Property Set *", "Public Static Property Set *", _
   "Friend Static Property Set *")
   ' ENDS LIST - ends of structures that contain lines to indent
   Dim StructureEnds
   StructureEnds = Array( _
   "Loop", "Loop *", "Loop: *", _
   "Next", "Next *", "Next: *", _
   "End If", "End If *", "End If: *", _
   "End Select", "End Select *", "End Select: *", _
   "End Type", "End Type *", "End Type: *", _
   "Wend", "Wend *", "Wend: *", _
   "End With", "End With *", "End With: *", _
   "End Sub", "End Sub *", _
   "End Function", "End Function *", _
   "End Property", "End Property *", "End Property: *")
   ' OUTDENTS LIST - exceptions that need re-aligned with respective start elements
   Dim Outdents
   Outdents = Array( _
   "Else", "Else *", "Else: *", "Else:", _
   "ElseIf * Then", "ElseIf * Then*", _
   "Case", "Case *", _
   "Case Else", "Case Else:", "Case Else *", "Case Else:*")
End Sub
'-------------- Sub --------------
'+ Call | Get | ParramArray
'+ Call in button | Sub | Function | Events
Sub mySubExam1()
   Dim getStr As Integer
   mySubExam2 getStr 'Get "Assigned by" by Variables
   Debug.Print getStr
   'ParramArray - go tp Function example
End Sub
Sub mySubExam2(Inte As Integer)
   Inte = 2
End Sub
'-------------- Function --------------
'+ Call | Get | Assign | Set | ParramArray
'+ Call in Cells | Sub | Function | Immediate | Events
Sub Call_Get_Set_Assign_ParamArray_______myFuncExam()
   Call myFuncExam(True)
   Dim getBool As Boolean
   myFuncExam (getBool)
   Debug.Print getBool
   Dim i As Long
   i = myFuncExam(True)
   Debug.Print i
   Dim Obj As Object
   'If myFuncExam is Object Then
   'Set obj = myFuncExam
   Debug.Print "Set"
   'ParamArray 1
   Call myFuncExam(True, 1, 2, 3) '-> arr = Array(1, 2, 3)
   'ParamArray 2
   Call myFuncExam(True, Array("a", "b", "c")) '-> arr = Array(Array("a", "b", "c"))
   'ParamArray 3
   Call myFuncExam(True, Array("e", "f"), Array("g", "h")) '-> arr = Array(Array("e", "f"),Array("g", "h"))
End Sub
Function myFuncExam(Bool As Boolean, ParamArray Arr() As Variant) As Integer
   myFuncExam = 2
   Bool = False
   If Not IsMissing(Arr) Then
     On Error GoTo ParamArray2
     'ParamArray 1
     Debug.Print Join(Arr, " ")
   End If
   Exit Function
   Dim dArr, eArr
   For Each eArr In Arr
     For Each dArr In eArr
       dbPrint dArr
     Next dArr
   Next eArr
End Function
'|                       Input / Output                         |
'Input by InputBox | MsgBox | Assign | { "..." }
'Input by Debug.Print | MsgBox | Assign | { "..." }
Sub basic_input_output()
Dim strPut As String
strPut = InputBox("Input: ") 'Input Handle
Debug.Print strPut 'Output Print
Dim msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt, myString
msg = "Do you want to continue?"
Style = vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton2
Title = "MsgBox Demonstration"
Help = "DEMO.HLP"
Ctxt = 1000
Dim msgPut
'0 vbOKOnly
'1 vbOKCancel
'2 vbAbortRetryIgnore
'3 vbYesNoCancel
'4 vbYesNo
'5 vbRetryCancel
'16 vbCritical
'32 vbQuestion
'48 vbExclamation
'64 vbInformation
'0 vbDefaultButton1
'256 vbDefaultButton2
'512 vbDefaultButton3
'768 vbDefaultButton4
'0 vbApplicationModal
'4096 vbSystemModal
'1 - vbOK - OK was clicked
'2 - vbCancel - Cancel was clicked
'3 - vbAbort - Abort was clicked
'4 - vbRetry - Retry was clicked
'5 - vbIgnore - Ignore was clicked
'6 - vbYes - Yes was clicked
'7 - vbNo - No was clicked
msgPut = MsgBox(msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt) 'Input
If msgPut = vbYes Then: MsgBox "vbYes" 'Output Alert
   If msgPut = vbNo Then: Debug.Print "vbNo" 'Output Print
     If msgPut = vbCancel Then: MsgBox "vbCancel" 'Output Alert
     End Sub
'|                    Variables inside                          |
     '&H : Hex
     '&O : Octal
     'String           $
     'Integer          %
     'Long             &
     'Single           !
     'Double           #
     'Currency         @
     'Win64 LongPtr / LongLong
     Sub basic_Variables_inside()
      Static Obj As Object
      #If Win64 Then
        Dim e As LongLong
      #ElseIf Win32 Then
        Dim e As Long
        Dim e As Long
      #End If
       Dim a As String
       Dim AA$, BB%, CC&, DD!, EE@, FF#
       Dim B() As String 'B is Array
       Dim C As String * 20 '20 character
       Const MyInteger As Integer = 42 'MyInteger is Constants
     End Sub
      '|                    Variables Function                        |
     Function basic_Variables_Function() As String
       basic_Variables_Function = "Hello VBA"
     End Function
      '|                    Loop                                      |
      Private Sub test_basic_loop_For()
       Dim i: i = 1
       Do While i < 5 '(Loop If True <> Exit If False)
         i = i + 1
         Debug.Print "Do While", i
       i = 1
         i = i + 1
         Debug.Print "Loop While", i
       Loop While i < 5 '(Loop If True <> Exit If False)
       i = 0
       Do Until i > 5 '(Loop If False <> Exit If True)
         i = i + 1
         Debug.Print "Do Until", i
       i = 0
         i = i + 1
         Debug.Print "Loop Until", i
       Loop Until i > 5 '(Loop If False <> Exit If True)
     End Sub
     Sub basic_loop_For()
       Dim i As Long: For i = 0 To 1
       Exit For
     Next i
     'For Each...Next()
     Dim Ia: For Each Ia In Array(1, 2, 3)
     Exit For
   Next Ia
   'Do ... Loop  ----> Endless Loop - sTop by Exit Do
     If True Then Exit Do
   i = 1
   Do While i < 5 '(Loop If True <> Exit If False)
     i = i + 1
     Debug.Print "Do While", i
   i = 1
     i = i + 1
     Debug.Print "Loop While", i
   Loop While i < 5 '(Loop If True <> Exit If False)
   i = 0
   Do Until i > 5 '(Loop If False <> Exit If True)
     i = i + 1
     Debug.Print "Do Until", i
   i = 0
     i = i + 1
     Debug.Print "Loop Until", i
   Loop Until i > 5 '(Loop If False <> Exit If True)
   'While ... Wend  -----> sTop by Condition False
   i = 0
   While i <= 10
     Debug.Print "While Wend", i
     i = i + 1
End Sub
'|                    Exit statements                           |
'Exit { Do | For | Function | Property | Select | Sub | Try | While }
'|                    Error Handing                             |
'item                     Description
'On Error Goto -1
'On Error Goto 0          When  error occurs, the code sTops and displays the error.
'On Error Resume Next     Ignores the error and continues on.
'On Error Goto [Label]    Goes to a specific label when an error occurs.This allows us to handle the error.
'Err Object               When an error occurs the error information is stored here.
'Err.Number               The number of the error.(Only useful if you need to check a specific error occurred.)
'Err.Description          Contains the error text.
'Err.Source               You can populate this when you use Err.Raise.
'Err.Raise                A function that allows you to generate your own error.
'Error Function           Returns the error text from an error number.Obsolete.
'Error Statement          Simulates an error. Use Err.Raise instead.
'Code Message
'3  Return without GoSub.
'5  Invalid procedure call.
'6  Overflow.
'7  Out of memory.
'9  Subscript out of range.
'10 This array is fixed or temporarily locked.
'11 Division by zero.
'13 Type misMatch.
'14 Out of string space.
'16 Expression too complex.
'17 Can't perform requested operation.
'18 User interrupt occurred.
'20 Resume without error.
'28 Out of stack space.
'35 Sub, Function, or Property not defined.
'47 Too many DLL application clients.
'48 Error in loading DLL.
'49 Bad DLL calling convention.
'51 Internal error.
'52 Bad file name or number.
'53 File not found.
'54 Bad file mode.
'55 File already open.
'57 Device I/O error.
'58 File already exists.
'59 Bad record length.
'61 Disk full.
'62 Input past end of file.
'63 Bad record number.
'67 Too many files.
'68 Device unavailable.
'70 Permission denied.
'71 Disk not ready.
'74 Can't rename with different drive.
'75 Path/File access error.
'76 Path not found.
'91 Object variable or With block variable not set.
'92 For loop not initialized.
'93 Invalid pattern string.
'94 Invalid use of Null.
'97 Can't call Friend procedure on an object that is not an instance of the defining class.
'98 A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private object, either as an argument or as a return value.
'298  System DLL could not be loaded.
'320  Can't use character device names in specified file names.
'321  Invalid file format.
'322  Cant create necessary temporary file.
'325  Invalid format in resource file.
'327  Data value named not found.
'328  Illegal parameter; can't write arrays.
'335  Could not access system registry.
'336  Component not correctly registered.
'337  Component not found.
'338  Component did not run correctly.
'360  Object already loaded.
'361  Can't load or unload this object.
'363  Control specified not found.
'364  Object was unloaded.
'365  Unable to unload within this context.
'368  The specified file is out of date. This program requires a later version.
'371  The specified object can't be used as an owner form for Show.
'380  Invalid property value.
'381  Invalid property-array index.
'382  Property Set can't be executed at run time.
'383  Property Set can't be used with a read-only property.
'385  Need property-array index.
'387  Property Set not permitted.
'393  Property Get can't be executed at run time.
'394  Property Get can't be executed on write-only property.
'400  Form already displayed; can't show modally.
'402  Code must close Topmost modal form first.
'419  Permission to use object denied.
'422  Property not found.
'423  Property or method not found.
'424  Object required.
'425  Invalid object use.
'429  Component can't create object or return reference to this object.
'430  Class doesn't support Automation.
'432  File name or class name not found during Automation operation.
'438  Object doesn't support this property or method.
'440  Automation error.
'442  Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost.
'443  Automation object doesn't have a default value.
'445  Object doesn't support this action.
'446  Object doesn't support named arguments.
'447  Object doesn't support current locale setting.
'448  Named argument not found.
'449  Argument not optional or invalid property assignment.
'450  Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment.
'451  Object not a collection.
'452  Invalid ordinal.
'453  Specified not found.
'454  Code resource not found.
'455  Code resource lock error.
'457  This key is already associated with an element of this collection.
'458  Variable uses a type not supported in Visual Basic.
'459  This component doesn't support the set of events.
'460  Invalid Clipboard format.
'461  Method or data member not found.
'462  The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable.
'463  Class not registered on local machine.
'480  Can't create AutoRedraw image.
'481  Invalid picture.
'482  Printer error.
'483  Printer driver does not support specified property.
'484  Problem getting printer information from the system. Make sure the printer is set up correctly.
'485  Invalid picture type.
'486  Can't print form image to this type of printer.
'520  Can't empty Clipboard.
'521  Can't open Clipboard.
'735  Can't save file to TEMP directory.
'744  Search text not found.
'746  Replacements too long.
'31001  Out of memory.
'31004  No object.
'31018  Class is not set.
'31027  Unable to activate object.
'31032  Unable to create embedded object.
'31036  Error saving to file.
'31037  Error loading from file.
Sub OnGosubGotoDemo()
   Dim Number, myString
   Number = 2 ' Initialize variable.
   ' Branch to Sub2.
   On Number GoSub Sub1, sub2 ' Execution resumes here after
   ' On...GoSub.
   On Number GoTo Line1, Line2 ' Branch to Line2.
   ' Execution does not resume here after On...GoTo.
   Exit Sub
   myString = "In Sub1": Return
   myString = "In Sub2": Return
   myString = "In Line1"
   myString = "In Line2"
End Sub
Sub UsingResumeNext()
   On Error Resume Next
   Dim X As Long, Y As Long
   X = 6
   Y = 6 / 0
   X = 7
End Sub
Sub UsingGotoLine()
   On Error GoTo EH
   Dim X As Long, Y As Long
   X = 6
   Y = 6 / 0
   X = 7
   Exit Sub
   MsgBox "The following error occurred: " & Err.Description
End Sub
Sub TwoErrors()
   On Error GoTo EH
   ' generate "Type misMatch" error
   Error (13)
   Exit Sub
   On Error GoTo eh_other
   ' generate "Application-defined" error
   Error (1034)
   Exit Sub
   Debug.Print "ehother " & Err.Description
End Sub
Sub TwoErrors2()
   On Error GoTo EH
   ' generate "Type misMatch" error
   Error (13)
   Exit Sub
   ' clear error
   On Error GoTo -1
   On Error GoTo eh_other
   ' generate "Application-defined" error
   Error (1034)
   Exit Sub
   Debug.Print "ehother " & Err.Description
End Sub
Sub UsingErr()
10 On Error GoTo EH
   Dim val As Long
20 val = "aa"
30 Exit Sub
40 Debug.Print Erl
End Sub
Sub ReadWorksheet()
   On Error GoTo EH
   If True Then
     Err.Raise 123456, "ReadWorksheet" _
     , "The Value in the cell A1 must have exactly 5 characters."
   End If
   ' continue on if cell has valid data
   Dim iD As String
   iD = 2
   Exit Sub
   ' Err.Raise will send code to here
   alert "Error found: " & Err.Description
End Sub
Sub UsingErrClear()
   Dim Count As Long, i As Long
   ' Continue if error as we will check the error number
   On Error Resume Next
   For i = 0 To 9
     ' generate error for every second one
     If i Mod 2 = 0 Then Error (13)
     ' Check for error
     If Err.Number <> 0 Then
       Count = Count + 1
       Err.Clear    ' Clear Err once it is counted
     End If
   Debug.Print "The number of errors was: " & Count
End Sub
Sub Logger(sType As String, sSource As String, sDetails As String)
   Dim sFileName As String
   sFileName = "C:\temp\logging.txt"
   ' Archive file at certain size
   If FileLen(sFileName) > 20000 Then
     FileCopy sFileName _
     , Replace(sFileName, ".txt", Format(Now, "ddmmyyyy hhmmss.txt"))
     Kill sFileName
   End If
   ' Open the file to write
   Dim filenumber As Variant
   filenumber = FreeFile
   Open sFileName For Append As #filenumber
   Print #filenumber, CStr(Now) & "," & sType & "," & sSource _
   & "," & sDetails & "," & Application.UserName
   Close #filenumber
End Sub
Sub SimDivError()
   On Error GoTo EH
   ' This will create a division by zero error
   Error 11
   Exit Sub
   Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
End Sub
Sub RaiseError(ByVal errorno As Long, ByVal src As String _
   , ByVal proc As String, ByVal desc As String, ByVal lineno As Long)
   Dim sLineNo As Long, sSource As String
   ' If no marker then this is the first time RaiseError was called
   If Left(src, Len(MARKER)) <> MARKER Then
     ' Add error line number if present
     If lineno <> 0 Then
       sSource = vbCrLf & "Line no: " & lineno & " "
     End If
     ' Add marker and procedure to source
     sSource = MARKER & sSource & vbCrLf & proc
     ' If error has already been raised then just add on procedure Name
     sSource = src & vbCrLf & proc
   End If
   ' If the code sTops here, make sure DisplayError is placed in the Top most Sub
   Err.Raise errorno, sSource, desc
End Sub
Sub DisplayError(ByVal src As String, ByVal desc As String _
   , ByVal sProcName As String)
   ' Remove the marker
   src = Replace(src, MARKER, "")
   Dim sMsg As String
   sMsg = "The following error occurred: " & vbCrLf & Err.Description _
   & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Error Location is: "
   sMsg = sMsg + src & vbCrLf & sProcName
   ' Display message
   MsgBox sMsg, Title:="Error"
End Sub
Sub Topmost()
   On Error GoTo EH
   Exit Sub
   DisplayError Err.Source, Err.Description, "Module1.Topmost"
End Sub
Sub Level1()
   On Error GoTo EH
   Exit Sub
   RaiseError Err.Number, Err.Source, "Module1.Level1", Err.Description, Erl
End Sub
Sub Level2()
   On Error GoTo EH
   ' Error here
   Dim a As Long
   a = "7 / 0"
   Exit Sub
   RaiseError Err.Number, Err.Source, "Module1.Level2", Err.Description, Erl
End Sub
Sub Level3()
   On Error GoTo EH
   ' Error here
   Dim a As Long
'Order Row
2               a = 1
4               a = 2
5               a = 3
6               a = 4
1000000         a = "7 / 0"
   Exit Sub
   Debug.Print Erl '=1000000
End Sub
'|                       Break code                             |
Sub basic_Break_STop()
   '...any code here
   Stop     'execution will sTop here, debugging will start here
   '...the rest of the code
End Sub
Sub basic_Break_DebugAssert()
   '...any code here
   Debug.Assert False     'execution will sTop here, debugging will start here
   '...the rest of the code
End Sub
'|                       VBA - Decisions                        |
Sub basic_decisions()
  Dim val1    As Integer, val2 As Integer, maxOfTwo As Integer
  Dim val3     As Integer
  'Dim val1 As Integer
  'Dim val2 As Integer
  val1 = 1
  val2 = 10
  val1 = 1: val2 = 10
  val1 = 1:             val2 = 10
  If val1 > val2 Then
    maxOfTwo = val1
    maxOfTwo = val2
  End If
  maxOfTwo = IIf(val1 > val2, val1, val2)
  Debug.Print maxOfTwo
  'Cach 1:
  If 1 = 2 Then
  End If
  'Cach 2:
  If 1 = 2 Then:
  'Cach 1:
  If 1 = 2 Then
  End If
  'Cach 2:
  If 1 = 2 Then: Else:
     'Cach 1:
     If 1 = 2 Then
     ElseIf 2 = 3 Then
     End If
     Dim intVal As Integer
     intVal = 10
     Select Case intVal
     Case 1
       Debug.Print "The Value is 1"
     Case 2 To 5
       Debug.Print "The Value is between 1 and 5"
     Case 6 To 10
       Debug.Print "The Value is between 1 and 10"
     Case 11, 12, 13
       Debug.Print "The Value is either 11, 12 or 13"
     Case Else
       Debug.Print "Another Value"
     End Select
     Select Case intVal
     Case Is <= 10
       Debug.Print "The Value is less than or equal 10"
     Case Is <= 20
       Debug.Print "The Value is less than or equal 20"
     Case Is <= 30, Is > 50
       Debug.Print "The Value is less than or equal 30 or higher than 50"
     Case Else
       Debug.Print "Another Value"
     End Select
End Sub
'|                           VBA - Operators                    |
'The Arithmatic Operators: + | - | * | / | % | ^
'The Comparison Operators: = | <> | > | < | >= | <=
'The Logical Operators: And | Or | Not | Xor
'The Concatenation Operators: + | &
'|                 VBA - Worksheets & Workbooks                 |
Sub basic_VBA_Worksheets_Workbooks()
   ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(2).Range("A1").Value = "Off"
   ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value = "Off"
   Dim wb As Workbook, WS As Worksheet
   Set wb = Application.Workbooks(1)
   'Set wb = Application.Workbooks("Book1")
   Set WS = wb.Worksheets(1)
   Set WS = wb.Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Name)
   With ActiveSheet
   End With
   With Sheets(1)
   End With
   With Sheets(ActiveSheet.Name)
   End With
End Sub
'|                       VBA - Ranges & Cells                   |
Sub basic_VBA_Ranges_Cells()
   Dim aRng
   aRng = Range("A1") '| aRng = [A1] | aRng= Cells(1, 1)
   aRng = Range("A" & 1)
   aRng = Range("A1:A" & 2)
   aRng = Range("A1", Range("A2"))
   Range("A1, D1").Value = "Off"
   aRng = Range("A:A")
   aRng = Sheets(1).Range("A1")
   aRng = Cells(2, "D").Value
   aRng = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 2))
   Range("A1") = "Off"
   With Sheets(1)
     aRng = .Range("A1") ' aRng = .[A1] | aRng = .Cells(1, 1)
   End With
   Dim bRng As Range
   Set bRng = Range("A1:A2")
   Set bRng = Intersect(Range("B:B"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
   Set bRng = ActiveSheet.CurrentRegion
   'Set rng = Range("CELL_Name") 'Referencing Named Ranges
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Value, Range("A1").Value2
   Debug.Print Selection.Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Row
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Rows
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Column
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Columns
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Rows
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Resize(1, 1).Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").Offset(1, 2).Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").End(xlToLeft).Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").End(xlToRight).Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").End(xlDown).Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").End(xlUp).Value
   Debug.Print Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
End Sub
'|                          VBA - Array                         |
Sub basic_Array()
   'Array Declaration:
   Dim Arr1()
   Dim Arr2(5)
   Dim Arr3: Arr3 = Array("apple", "Orange", "Grapes")
   'Assigning Values to an Array
   Debug.Print Arr3(0)
   ReDim Arr1(5)
   ReDim Arr1(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
   'ReDim Preserve arr1(7)
   'Multi-Dimensional Arrays
   Dim Arr4(2, 2) As Variant
   Arr4(0, 0) = "Apple"
   Arr4(0, 1) = "Orange"
   Arr4(1, 0) = "Apple"
   Arr4(1, 1) = "Orange"
   If IsArray(Arr4) Then
     Debug.Print LBound(Arr4, 1)
     Debug.Print UBound(Arr4, 1)
     Debug.Print UBound(Arr4, 2)
   End If
   Dim a, B, C, d As Variant, X
   a = Array("Red", "Blue", "Yellow")
   B = Filter(a, "B")
   dbPrint B
   For Each X In B
     Debug.Print ("The Filter result 1: " & X)
   Dim AA As Variant
   AA = Split("Red Blue Yellow", " ")
   Debug.Print Join(AA, " - ")
End Sub
Private Sub test_ExampleParamArray()
   ExampleParamArray 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
End Sub
Sub ExampleParamArray(ParamArray Arr())
   Dim CArr
   For Each CArr In Arr
     Debug.Print CArr
End Sub
Private Sub ConstantdemoClick()
   Dim NumArray(3)
   NumArray(0) = "VBScript"
   NumArray(1) = 1.05
   NumArray(2) = 25
   NumArray(3) = #4/23/2013#
   Dim dynamicArray()
   ReDim dynamicArray(9)   ' Allocate storage space.
   Erase NumArray          ' Each element is reinitialized.
   Erase dynamicArray      ' Free memory used by array.
   Debug.Print ("The Value at Zeroth index of NumArray is " & NumArray(0))
   Debug.Print ("The Value at First index of NumArray is " & NumArray(1))
   Debug.Print ("The Value at Second index of NumArray is " & NumArray(2))
   Debug.Print ("The Value at Third index of NumArray is " & NumArray(3))
End Sub
'|             VBA - User Defined Functions / Sub               |
Function findArea(Length As Double, Optional Width As Variant)
   If IsMissing(Width) Then
     findArea = Length * Length
     findArea = Length * Width
   End If
End Function
Sub Area(X As Double, Y As Double)
   MsgBox X * Y
End Sub
Sub Area2()
   Dim Y&
   If Y = 1 Then GoSub SubChangeY
   MsgBox Y
   Exit Sub
  Y = 2
End Sub
'|                      VBA - Error Handling                    |
'On Error { GoTo [ line | 0 | -1 ] | Resume Next }
Public Sub basic_Error_Handling()
   Dim X, Y, z As Integer
   X = 50
   Y = 0
   On Error Resume Next
   z = X / Y
   On Error GoTo 0
   On Error Resume Next
   z = X / Y
   On Error GoTo -1
   Err.Raise 1112
   Select Case Err.Number
   Case 1112
     Debug.Print ("Error# 1112") & " : " & Err.Description
   Case Else
     Debug.Print "UNKNOWN ERROR  - Error# " & Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description
   End Select
   Resume Next
   On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
   z = X / 0
   Select Case Err.Number
   Case 11
     Debug.Print ("Error# 11") & " : " & Err.Description
   Case 20
     Debug.Print ("Error# 20") & " : " & Err.Description
   Case Else
     Debug.Print "UNKNOWN ERROR  - Error# " & Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description
   End Select
   Resume Next
End Sub
Public Sub basic_Error_RunTimeError()
   Call Err.Raise(1, "DefineArray", "Not supported var type")
End Sub
'|                        VBA - Array                           |
'...............VBA Array Limits:
'maximum size of (2^31)-1 (equal to 2’147’483’647)
'memory used by the array (about 500MB for 32-bit VBA and about 4GB for 64-bit VBA)
'.......Typical VBA Array errors: Runtime Error 9: Subscript out of range
'............VBA Array Functions:
'LBound(Array, Rank)
'UBound(Array, Rank)
'ReDim Preserve
'......One-dimensional VBA Array:
Sub basic_VBA_Array_onedim()
   Dim Arr(3) 'index (0 ,1, 2)
   Dim onedimArray(1 To 3) As Long 'index (1 ,2, 3)
   'traverse (iterate) through a VBA Array
   Dim arrItem
   For Each arrItem In Arr
     Debug.Print arrItem
   Next arrItem
   Dim i As Long
   For i = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
     Debug.Print Arr(i)
   Next i
End Sub
'....Multi-dimensional VBA Array:
Sub basic_VBA_Array_Multidim()
   Dim twodimArray(5, 15) As Long
   twodimArray(1, 15) = 10
   twodimArray(2, 10) = 10
   Dim threedimArray(5, 10, 15) As Long
   threedimArray(2, 10, 12) = 3
   threedimArray(5, 10, 15) = 9
End Sub
'................Fixed VBA array:
Sub basic_VBA_Array_Fixed()
   Dim dynamicArray() As String
   ReDim dynamicArray(5)
   ReDim dynamicArray(1 To 11)
   'ReDim Statement – Resizing a Dynamic VBA Array
   dynamicArray(2) = 5
   ReDim Preserve dynamicArray(14)
End Sub
'.....Erasing Dynamic VBA Arrays:
Sub basic_VBA_Array_Erasing()
   Dim Arr() As Long
   ReDim Arr(100, 100)
   Arr(1, 1) = 0
   Arr(100, 100) = 100
   Debug.Print UBound(Arr) 'Result: 100
   Debug.Print LBound(Arr) 'Result: 1
   Erase Arr
End Sub
'...........Merging 2 VBA Arrays:
Function Merge(ByVal Arr1 As Variant, ByVal Arr2 As Variant) As Variant
   Dim tmpArr As Variant, upper1 As Long, upper2 As Long
   Dim higherUpper As Long, i As Long, newIndex As Long
   upper1 = UBound(Arr1) + 1: upper2 = UBound(Arr2) + 1
   higherUpper = IIf(upper1 >= upper2, upper1, upper2)
   ReDim tmpArr(upper1 + upper2 - 1)
   For i = 0 To higherUpper
     If i < upper1 Then
       tmpArr(newIndex) = Arr1(i)
       newIndex = newIndex + 1
     End If
     If i < upper2 Then
       tmpArr(newIndex) = Arr2(i)
       newIndex = newIndex + 1
     End If
   Next i
   Merge = tmpArr
End Function
'Comparing two arrays (1 Dimensional):
Function Compare1DArrays(ByVal Arr1 As Variant, ByVal Arr2 As Variant) As Boolean
   Dim i As Long
   For i = LBound(Arr1) To UBound(Arr1)
     If Arr1(i) <> Arr2(i) Then
       Compare1DArrays = False
       Exit Function
     End If
   Next i
   Compare1DArrays = True
End Function
'Sorting an array (1 Dimensional) – Quick Sort:
Public Sub QuickSort(vArray As Variant, lowerBound As Long, upperBound As Long)
   Dim pivot   As Variant
   Dim tmpSwap As Variant
   Dim tmpLow  As Long
   Dim tmpHi   As Long
   tmpLow = lowerBound
   tmpHi = upperBound
   pivot = vArray((lowerBound + upperBound) \ 2)
   While (tmpLow <= tmpHi)
     While (vArray(tmpLow) < pivot And tmpLow < upperBound)
       tmpLow = tmpLow + 1
     While (pivot < vArray(tmpHi) And tmpHi > lowerBound)
       tmpHi = tmpHi - 1
     If (tmpLow <= tmpHi) Then
       tmpSwap = vArray(tmpLow)
       vArray(tmpLow) = vArray(tmpHi)
       vArray(tmpHi) = tmpSwap
       tmpLow = tmpLow + 1
       tmpHi = tmpHi - 1
     End If
   If (lowerBound < tmpHi) Then QuickSort vArray, lowerBound, tmpHi
   If (tmpLow < upperBound) Then QuickSort vArray, tmpLow, upperBound
End Sub
'....The VBA Dictionary object:
Sub basic_VBA_Dict()
   Dim Dict As Object
   Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
   Dim key, val
   key = "SomeKey": val = "SomeValue"
   If Not Dict.Exists(key) Then
     Dict.Add key, val
   End If
   Debug.Print Dict.Count 'Result: 1
   Set Dict = Nothing
End Sub
'_______Traversing items and keys:
Sub basic_VBA_DictTraversing()
   Dim Dict As Object, key, val, Item
   Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
   key = "Key1": val = "Val1"
   Dict.Add key, val
   key = "Key2": val = "Val2"
   Dict.Add key, val
   For Each key In Dict.Keys
     Debug.Print key
   Next key
   For Each Item In Dict.Items
     Debug.Print Item
   Next Item
   Set Dict = Nothing
End Sub
'__________________Removing items:
Sub basic_VBA_Dict_Removing_items()
   Dim Dict As Object, key, val
   Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
   key = "Key1": val = "Val1"
   Dict.Add key, val
   key = "Key2": val = "Val2"
   Dict.Add key, val
   Dict.Remove "Key2"
   Set Dict = Nothing
End Sub
'........The VBA ArrayList object:
Sub basic_VBA_ArrayList()
   Dim arrList As Object, Item
   Set arrList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") 'Create the ArrayList
   arrList.Add "hello"
   arrList.Add "You"
   arrList.Add "There"
   arrList.Add "Man"
   arrList.Remove "Man"
   'Get number of items
   Debug.Print arrList.Count 'Result: 3
   For Each Item In arrList
     Debug.Print Item
   Next Item
End Sub
'...................The VBA Queue:
Sub basic_VBA_Queue()
   Dim queue As Object, peekAtFirst, doesContain, firstInQueue
   Set queue = CreateObject("System.Collections.Queue") 'Create the Queue
   queue.Enqueue "hello"
   queue.Enqueue "There"
   queue.Enqueue "Mr"
   queue.Enqueue "Smith"
   peekAtFirst = queue.Peek() 'Result" "hello"
   doesContain = queue.contains("htrh") 'Result: False
   doesContain = queue.contains("hello") 'Result: True
   'Get first item in Queue and remove it from the Queue
   firstInQueue = queue.Dequeue() '"hello"
   'Count items
   Debug.Print queue.Count 'Result: 3
   'Clear the Queue
   Set queue = Nothing
End Sub
'...................The VBA Stack:
Sub basic_VBA_Stack()
   Dim stack As Object, peekAtTopOfStack, doesContain, TopStack
   Set stack = CreateObject("System.Collections.Stack") 'Create Stack
   stack.Push "hello"
   stack.Push "There"
   stack.Push "Mr"
   stack.Push "Smith"
   peekAtTopOfStack = stack.Peek()
   doesContain = stack.contains("htrh") 'Result: False
   doesContain = stack.contains("hello") 'Result: True
   'Get item from the Top of the stack (LIFO)
   TopStack = stack.Pop()  'Result: "Smith"
   'Clear the Stack
   Set stack = Nothing
End Sub
'..Other useful data structures:
'|                     VBA COLLECTION                           |
   Dim myCol As Collection
   Set myCol = New Collection
   '.....Adding items:
   myCol.Add 10, key:="Key10" 'Items: 10
   myCol.Add 20, "Key20" 'Items: 10, 20
   myCol.Add 30, "Key30" 'Items: 10, 20, 30
   myCol.Add 40, "Key40", Before:=1  'Items: 40, 10, 20, 30
   myCol.Add 50, "Key50", After:=1  'Items: 40, 50, 10, 20, 30
   '....Getting items:
   Debug.Print myCol("Key10")
   '...Removing items:
   myCol.Remove (2) 'Items: 40, 10, 20, 30
   Debug.Print myCol.Count '4
   Dim it As Variant
   For Each it In myCol
     Debug.Print it '10, 20, 30
   Next it
   'Print items in Collection
   Dim i As Long
   For i = 1 To myCol.Count
     Debug.Print myCol(i) '10, 20, 30
   Next i
   'Check if VBA Collection contains item:
   Debug.Print CollectionContains(myCol, 20) 'True
   Debug.Print CollectionContains(myCol, 60) 'False
   Debug.Print myCol.Item(1)
   'Convert VBA Collection to VBA Array:
   Dim Arr() As Variant
   Arr = CollectionToArray(myCol)
   dbPrint Arr
End Sub
Function CollectionContains(myCol As Collection, checkVal As Variant) As Boolean
   On Error Resume Next
   CollectionContains = False
   Dim it As Variant
   For Each it In myCol
     If it = checkVal Then
       CollectionContains = True
       Exit Function
     End If
End Function
Function CollectionToArray(Col As Collection) As Variant()
   Dim Arr() As Variant, Index As Long, it As Variant
   ReDim Arr(1 To Col.Count) As Variant
   For Each it In Col
     Index = Index + 1
     Arr(Index) = it
   Next it
   CollectionToArray = Arr
End Function
'|                     VBA - Class                              |
'********************** Go to ClassModule "BasicClass"**********************
'___________Variables, Procedures and Functions
'________________Properties – Get, Let and Set:
'Get – return Value of the property
'Let – set the Value of the property
'Set – set the object Value of the property (if applies)
'____________Events – Initialize and Terminate:
'Private Sub Class_Initialize() – fired when the Class object is initialized e.g.
'Private Sub Class_Terminate() – fired when the Class object is destroyed e.g.
'__Instancing – Private vs. PublicNonCreatable:
'Private : New clause
'PublicNonCreatable: cannot be New clause
'|                     VBA - PERFORMANCE                        |
Sub basic_VBA_SpeedOn()
   With Application
     .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
     .CalculateBeforeSave = False
     .ScreenUpdating = False
     .EnableEvents = False
     .DisplayAlerts = False
     .Cursor = xlWait
     .StatusBar = True
     .EnableCancelKey = xlErrorHandler
   End With
   ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False
End Sub
Sub basic_VBA_SpeedOff()
   With Application
     .Calculation = xlAutomatic
     .ScreenUpdating = True
     .EnableEvents = True
     .DisplayAlerts = True
     .CalculateBeforeSave = True
     .Cursor = xlDefault
     .StatusBar = False
     .EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt
   End With
   ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = True
End Sub
Nếu được bạn thêm cái File nữa cho mọi người Dowload về nhìn cho trực quan sinh động hihi
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Em có 1 file chạy code Visual Basic trên exel, vấn đề ở chỗ là khi em mở file excel có chứa dòng code VSB để xem dữ liệu, thì lúc em mở 1 file excel mới để làm việc thì file excel mới nó bi dính Visua Basic của file kia,

Có cách nào chỉ chao VSB chạy trên file kia, và các file sau em mở tắt chức năng kia đi được không ạ
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Em có 1 file chạy code Visual Basic trên exel, vấn đề ở chỗ là khi em mở file excel có chứa dòng code VSB để xem dữ liệu, thì lúc em mở 1 file excel mới để làm việc thì file excel mới nó bi dính Visua Basic của file kia,

Có cách nào chỉ chao VSB chạy trên file kia, và các file sau em mở tắt chức năng kia đi được không ạ
Bài viết trên là Hướng dẫn lập trình VBA, bạn chỉ nên hỏi những cái liên quan đến nội dung của bài viết trên.
Bài viết của bạn ở Link này, đã có thanh viên nhắc bạn đính kèm File để người ta xem cái gì liên quan đến code VSB sao bạn không vào đó hỏi tiếp, bạn nên đọc lại nội quy nhé.

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Em có 1 file chạy code Visual Basic trên exel, vấn đề ở chỗ là khi em mở file excel có chứa dòng code VSB để xem dữ liệu, thì lúc em mở 1 file excel mới để làm việc thì file excel mới nó bi dính Visua Basic của file kia,

Có cách nào chỉ chao VSB chạy trên file kia, và các file sau em mở tắt chức năng kia đi được không ạ
Để chạy Code trên duy nhất một File, bạn cần Viết code theo lối hướng đối tượng
Ví dụ:
Range hoặc [A1] thì mặc định Cửa sổ Dự án nào được Active thì việc ghi kết quả, lấy dữ liệu sẽ thực hiện trên cửa sổ đó.
Bắt buộc Cần sử dụng hướng đối tượng "Cha" (Parent) cho Range khi viết một Dự án.

Với Excel thì Application (Với Word là Document, ... ) sẽ là đối tượng "Cha" của toàn Ứng dụng thì:

- Thực hiện Ngay trên Workbook chứa Code:
- Hoặc chỉ định một Workbook sẽ thực hiện code:

Range("A1").Parent sẽ trả về đối tượng Cha của đối tượng

Thử: Debug.Print Range("A1").Parent.Name
Thử: Application.Workbooks("Book1.xlsx").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Parent.Range("B1").Value = "B1"
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