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Em mới đc hướng dẫn để thao tác Macro cho tiện công việc, học kiểu đi tắt đón đầu, ko đến nơi đến chốn, giờ đang gặp trục trặc, em cũng chưa biết sửa sao.
Anh chị nào có thể chỉ giáo giúp em với ạ. Tất cả đều ổn trừ cái dòng em bôi đậm bị báo lỗi ạ.

Sub rental()

Call clear
iend = 0
iend = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
For i = 6 To iend Step 1
If Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 1).Value <> "" And Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = "" Then
k = i
ElseIf Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 1).Value = "" And Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i + 1, 1).Value <> "" Then
m = i
x = m - k
Call calculate(k, x)
'Call calculate(6, 1)
ElseIf Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 1).Value <> "" And Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i + 1, 1).Value <> "" Then
k = i
Call calculate(k, 0)
End If
Call Find_n_month_rental
Call monthly_fee
End Sub
Sub calculate(k, x)
h = 0
iend = 0
iend = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
For h = 0 To x Step 1
company_code = Worksheets("Rental").Cells(k, 1).Value
company_name = Worksheets("Rental").Cells(k, 2).Value
machine_code = Worksheets("Rental").Cells(k + h, 5).Value
'Worksheets("Price list").Select
For j = 120 To 200 Step 1
' MsgBox Worksheets("Price list").Cells(j, 1).Value
If Worksheets("Price list").Cells(j, 1).Value = company_code Then
For f = 12 To 19 Step 1
'MsgBox Worksheets("Price list").Cells(121, f).Value
If Worksheets("Price list").Cells(121, f).Value = machine_code Then
' MsgBox machine_code
'MsgBox Worksheets("Price list").Cells(j, f).Value
Worksheets("Rental").Cells(h + k, 7).Value = Worksheets("Price list").Cells(j, f).Value * Worksheets("Rental").Cells(h + k, 6).Value
Worksheets("Rental").Cells(h + k, 10).Value = Worksheets("Price list").Cells(j, 3).Value
End If
For e = 4 To 11 Step 1
If Worksheets("Price list").Cells(121, e).Value = machine_code Then
'MsgBox machine_code
'MsgBox Worksheets("Price list").Cells(j, f).Value
Worksheets("Rental").Cells(h + k, 8).Value = Worksheets("Price list").Cells(j, e).Value * Worksheets("Rental").Cells(h + k, 6).Value

End If
For v = 20 To 27 Step 1
If Worksheets("Price list").Cells(121, v).Value = machine_code Then
'MsgBox machine_code
'MsgBox Worksheets("Price list").Cells(j, f).Value
Worksheets("Rental").Cells(h + k, 9).Value = Worksheets("Price list").Cells(j, v).Value

End If

End If


End Sub

Sub monthly_fee()
Action = False
iend = 0
iend = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
For i = 6 To iend Step 1
If Right(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 10).Value, 2) <> "" Then
month_number = Right(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 10).Value, 2)
j = i

'MsgBox m & "__" & y
Call calculate_month(j, month_number)
End If
End Sub

Sub calculate_month(r, month_number)
'MsgBox m & "_" & y
m = Month(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r, 4).Value)
y = Year(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r, 4).Value)
If Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r, 4).Value <> "" Then
For i = 11 To 200 Step 1
If Worksheets("Rental").Cells(5, i).Value <> "" Then
M1 = Month(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(5, i).Value)
y1 = Year(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(5, i).Value)
If M1 = m And y1 = y Then
'MsgBox i & "_" & j
'month_number = Right(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 10).Value, 2)
For u = i To i + month_number - 1 Step 1
Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r, u + 1).Value = Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r, 9).Value * Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r, 6).Value
End If
End If
End If
If Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r, 4).Value = "" And Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r - 1, 4).Value <> "" Then
m = Month(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r - 1, 4).Value)
y = Year(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r - 1, 4).Value)
For i = 11 To 100 Step 1
If Worksheets("Rental").Cells(5, i).Value <> "" Then
M1 = Month(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(5, i).Value)
y1 = Year(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(5, i).Value)
If M1 = m And y1 = y Then
'MsgBox i & "_" & j
'month_number = Right(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 10).Value, 2)
For u = i To i + month_number - 1 Step 1
Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r, u + 1).Value = Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r, 9).Value * Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r, 6).Value
End If
End If
End If
If Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r, 4).Value = "" And Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r - 1, 4).Value = "" And Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r - 1, 4).Value <> "" Then
m = Month(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r - 2, 4).Value)
y = Year(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r - 2, 4).Value)
For i = 11 To 100 Step 1
If Worksheets("Rental").Cells(5, i).Value <> "" Then
M1 = Month(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(5, i).Value)
y1 = Year(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(5, i).Value)
If M1 = m And y1 = y Then
'MsgBox i & "_" & j
'month_number = Right(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 10).Value, 2)
For u = i To i + month_number - 1 Step 1
Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r, u + 1).Value = Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r, 9).Value * Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r, 6).Value
End If
End If
End If
If Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r, 4).Value = "" And Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r - 1, 4).Value = "" And Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r - 1, 4).Value = "" And Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r - 2, 4).Value <> "" Then
m = Month(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r - 3, 4).Value)
y = Year(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r - 3, 4).Value)
For i = 11 To 100 Step 1
If Worksheets("Rental").Cells(5, i).Value <> "" Then
M1 = Month(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(5, i).Value)
y1 = Year(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(5, i).Value)
If M1 = m And y1 = y Then
'MsgBox i & "_" & j
'month_number = Right(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 10).Value, 2)
For u = i To i + month_number - 1 Step 1
Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r, u + 1).Value = Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r, 9).Value * Worksheets("Rental").Cells(r, 6).Value
End If
End If
End If

End Sub

Sub clear()
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select

End Sub
Sub Find_n_month_rental()
iend = 0
iend = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
n_month = 13
n_year = 2020

'MsgBox n_month & "__" & n_year
For i = 6 To iend Step 1
If Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 4).Value <> "" And Year(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 4).Value) < n_year Then
n_year = Year(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 4).Value)
'monthyear = Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 4).Value
End If

For i = 6 To iend Step 1
If Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 4).Value <> "" And Year(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 4).Value) = n_year Then
If Month(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 4).Value) < n_month Then
n_month = Month(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 4).Value)
'monthyear = Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 4).Value
k = i
End If
End If

'MsgBox n_month
colum_length = 11
y = 11
mean_year = 2011
lenth = 1
For i = 6 To iend Step 1
If Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 4).Value <> "" Then
a = Year(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 4).Value) - mean_year
month_length = Right(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 10).Value, 2) + Month(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 4).Value) + 12 * a

If month_length > Length Then
Length = Right(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 10).Value, 2) + Month(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 4).Value) + 12 * a
e = i

End If
'MsgBox a
End If

colum_length = Length + y - n_month

n = 0
m = 0
For j = 11 To colum_length Step 1

If Month(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(k, 4).Value) + n <= 12 Then
Worksheets("Rental").Cells(5, j).Value = Month(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(k, 4).Value) + n & "-" & Year(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(k, 4).Value)
n = n + 1
'MsgBox n
ElseIf Month(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(k, 4).Value) + n > 12 Then
Worksheets("Rental").Cells(5, j).Value = 1 + m & "-" & Year(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(k, 4).Value) + 1 + l
m = m + 1
If m = 12 Then
m = 0
l = l + 1
End If
End If
End Sub
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month_length = Val(Right(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 10).Value, 2)) + Month(Worksheets("Rental").Cells(i, 4).Value) + 12 * a
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