Online English Diary (for everyone)

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I'm sick hic..hic..I have to stay at home all day**~**
My dear daughter,

It's been 7 years since God has brought you to me. 7 years is a long time, long enough for me to forget many things, but your first cry is unforgettable to me. That memory is still very fresh, as if it was just yesterday.

Time flies, I celebrated your first month, then your first birthday. I still remember on your first birthday, I put various objects for you to grasp, and tried to guess what you will do later in your life. And you chose a ruler and a crayon. Then one day when I went to the beach, I made a sand castle, and you cried "We made a castle!!! You know what, dad, I want to be an architect when I grow up."

My daughter, I don't need you to become a rocket scientist or an architect. I only want you to be able to things that you like, make a living out of it and be able to cover for your family. If better, I wish you to be successful at whatever you do, and you can make contributions for our country, and make everyone's life better with your work.

My daughter, you are a wonderful girl. I love you to bits and I want to look after your future. Be strong, be kind and be true. I am here for you, ready for you to spread your wings, and fly high!

(To remember my daughter's birthday - A gift from CitiBank)
I want to send some sentence to man whom very hate me:
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".

( Evelyn Beatrice Hall )

"Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed".

( Nietzsche )

"War doesn't determine who's right — only who's left".

( Bertrand Russell )
My buddies were very supportive When I lost my love! Thanks all my dear friends!^^
In the other hand, there are also some persons who wanna sully me because of their stupid envy; BUT I don't care about such people as they are too frightened me; even now they cannot face to face sully me. The only thing they can do is sitting in a damn darkness and using their mouth to bark like a damn dog. The law of causality is still there! The more depraved they are, the more bad after-effect they will get. >.<
Lần chỉnh sửa cuối:
My buddies were very supportive When I lost my love! Thanks all my dear friends!^^
In the other hand, there are also some persons who wanna sully me because of their stupid envy; BUT I don't care about such people as they are too frightened me; even now they cannot face to face sully me. The only thing they can do is sitting in a damn darkness and using their mouth to bark like a damn dog. The law of causality is still there! The more depraved they are, the more bad after-effect they will get. >.<
Wishing you all the best./-*+//-*+/
I thought he was my friend but he turned on me!!!!!!
Out of the blue!! >.<
In a weather cold and gray,
I am tackling the fray
Against fear and delay,
And failure and dismay!
On the back of my bay,
With legs made of clay,
With hooves on decay,
But a heart neighing nay!
I am weaving my way
Through heaves of hay,
And a witch may lay ;
Some ditch dug astray!
Neither angel nor fay,
Is there to light a ray,
Only pluck and pray,
Can win out the fray.

Who are you???.......................
I want to improve my english for my work.
Today i found this topic.I begin with my instroduction :D
Hi everyone, I'm Sam.I'm 23.Now i'm a customer service for Morrison Express.Hope you all can help me to improve my english. Thanks all.
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