Zip file trong VBA-Excel

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Chào các bạn đôi khi các bạn muốn chương trình của mình có thể zip một số file rồi gởi đến một địa chỉ nào đó. Tôi xin giới thiệu với các bạn một class module để làm điều đó. (Dành cho các bạn biết sử dụng Class module)
Option Explicit
' Chris Eastwood July 1999 - adapted from code at the
' InfoZip homepage.
Public Enum ZTranslate
    CRLFtoLF = 1
    LFtoCRLF = 2
End Enum
' Collection of Files to Zip
Private mCollection As Collection
' Recurse Folders ?
Private miRecurseFolders As Integer
' Zip File Name
Private msZipFileName As String
' Encryption ?
Private miEncrypt As Integer
' System Files
Private miSystem As Integer
' Root Directory
Private msRootDirectory As String
' Verbose Zip
Private miVerbose As Integer
' Quiet Zip
Private miQuiet As Integer
' Translate CRLF / LF Chars
Private miTranslateCRLF As ZTranslate
' Updating Existing Zip ?
Private miUpdateZip As Integer

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
' Initialise the collection
    Set mCollection = New Collection
' We have to add in a dummy file into the collection because
' the Zip routines fall over otherwise.
' I think this is a bug, but it's not documented anywhere
' on the InfoZip website.
' The Zip process *always* fails on the first file,
' regardless of whether it's a valid file or not!
    mCollection.Add "querty", "querty"
    miEncrypt = 0
    miSystem = 0
    msRootDirectory = "\"
    miQuiet = 0
    miUpdateZip = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
' Terminate the collection
    Set mCollection = Nothing
End Sub

Public Property Get RecurseFolders() As Boolean
    RecurseFolders = miRecurseFolders = 1
End Property

Public Property Let RecurseFolders(ByVal bRecurse As Boolean)
    miRecurseFolders = IIf(bRecurse, 1, 0)
End Property

Public Property Get ZipFileName() As String
    ZipFileName = msZipFileName
End Property

Public Property Let ZipFileName(ByVal sZipFileName As String)
    msZipFileName = sZipFileName '& vbNullChar
End Property

Public Property Get Encrypted() As Boolean
    Encrypted = miEncrypt = 1
End Property

Public Property Let Encrypted(ByVal bEncrypt As Boolean)
    miEncrypt = IIf(bEncrypt, 1, 0)
End Property

Public Property Get IncludeSystemFiles() As Boolean
    IncludeSystemFiles = miSystem = 1
End Property

Public Property Let IncludeSystemFiles(ByVal bInclude As Boolean)
    miSystem = IIf(bInclude, 1, 0)
End Property

Public Property Get ZipFileCount() As Long
    If mCollection Is Nothing Then
        ZipFileCount = 0
        ZipFileCount = mCollection.Count - 1
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get RootDirectory() As String
    RootDirectory = msRootDirectory
End Property

Public Property Let RootDirectory(ByVal sRootDir As String)
    msRootDirectory = sRootDir ' & vbNullChar
End Property

Public Property Get UpdatingZip() As Boolean
    UpdatingZip = miUpdateZip = 1
End Property

Public Property Let UpdatingZip(ByVal bUpdating As Boolean)
    miUpdateZip = IIf(bUpdating, 1, 0)
End Property

Public Function AddFile(ByVal sFileName As String)
    Dim lCount As Long
    Dim sFile As String
    On Error Resume Next
    sFile = mCollection.Item(sFileName)
    If Len(sFile) = 0 Then
        On Error GoTo 0
        mCollection.Add sFileName, sFileName
        On Error GoTo 0
        Err.Raise vbObjectError + 2001, "CGZip::AddFile", "File is already in Zip List"
    End If
End Function

Public Function RemoveFile(ByVal sFileName As String)
    Dim lCount As Long
    Dim sFile As String
    On Error Resume Next
    sFile = mCollection.Item(sFileName)
    If Len(sFile) = 0 Then
        Err.Raise vbObjectError + 2002, "CGZip::RemoveFile", "File is not in Zip List"
        mCollection.Remove sFileName
    End If
End Function

Public Function MakeZipFile() As Long
    Dim zFileArray As ZIPnames
    Dim sFileName As Variant
    Dim lFileCount As Long
    Dim iIgnorePath As Integer
    Dim iRecurse As Integer

On Error GoTo vbErrorHandler
    lFileCount = 0
    For Each sFileName In mCollection
        zFileArray.s(lFileCount) = sFileName
        lFileCount = lFileCount + 1
    MakeZipFile = VBZip(CInt(lFileCount), msZipFileName, _
        zFileArray, iIgnorePath, _
        miRecurseFolders, miUpdateZip, _
        0, msRootDirectory)
    Exit Function

    MakeZipFile = -99
    Err.Raise Err.Number, "CGZipFiles::MakeZipFile", Err.Description
End Function

Public Function GetLastMessage() As String
    GetLastMessage = msOutput
End Function
Thu thập từ internet.

Lê Văn Duyệt
Còn muốn UnZip thì sao?

Nếu muốn UnZip các bạn lại dùng Class module sau:

Option Explicit
' UnZip Class
' Chris Eastwood July 1999
Public Enum ZMessageLevel
    All = 0
    Less = 1
    NoMessages = 2
End Enum
Public Enum ZExtractType
    Extract = 0
    ListContents = 1
End Enum
Public Enum ZPrivilege
    Ignore = 0
    ACL = 1
    Privileges = 2
End Enum

Private miExtractNewer     As Integer  ' 1 = Extract Only Newer, Else 0
Private miSpaceUnderScore  As Integer  ' 1 = Convert Space To Underscore, Else 0
Private miPromptOverwrite  As Integer  ' 1 = Prompt To Overwrite Required, Else 0
Private miQuiet            As ZMessageLevel  ' 2 = No Messages, 1 = Less, 0 = All
Private miWriteStdOut      As Integer  ' 1 = Write To Stdout, Else 0
Private miTestZip          As Integer  ' 1 = Test Zip File, Else 0
Private miExtractList      As ZExtractType  ' 0 = Extract, 1 = List Contents
Private miExtractOnlyNewer As Integer  ' 1 = Extract Only Newer, Else 0
Private miDisplayComment   As Integer  ' 1 = Display Zip File Comment, Else 0
Private miHonorDirectories As Integer  ' 1 = Honor Directories, Else 0
Private miOverWriteFiles   As Integer  ' 1 = Overwrite Files, Else 0
Private miConvertCR_CRLF   As Integer  ' 1 = Convert CR To CRLF, Else 0
Private miVerbose          As Integer  ' 1 = Zip Info Verbose
Private miCaseSensitivity  As Integer  ' 1 = Case Insensitivity, 0 = Case Sensitivity
Private miPrivilege        As ZPrivilege  ' 1 = ACL, 2 = Privileges, Else 0
Private msZipFileName      As String   ' The Zip File Name
Private msExtractDir       As String   ' Extraction Directory, Null If Current Directory

Public Property Get ExtractNewer() As Boolean
    ExtractNewer = miExtractNewer = 1
End Property

Public Property Let ExtractNewer(ByVal bExtractNewer As Boolean)
    miExtractNewer = IIf(bExtractNewer, 1, 0)
End Property

Public Property Get SpaceToUnderScore() As Boolean
    SpaceToUnderScore = miSpaceUnderScore = 1
End Property

Public Property Let SpaceToUnderScore(ByVal bConvert As Boolean)
    miSpaceUnderScore = IIf(bConvert, 1, 0)
End Property

Public Property Get PromptOverwrite() As Boolean
    PromptOverwrite = miPromptOverwrite = 1
End Property

Public Property Let PromptOverwrite(ByVal bPrompt As Boolean)
    miPromptOverwrite = IIf(bPrompt, 1, 0)
End Property

Public Property Get MessageLevel() As ZMessageLevel
    MessageLevel = miQuiet
End Property

Public Property Let MessageLevel(ByVal iLevel As ZMessageLevel)
    miQuiet = iLevel
End Property

Public Property Get WriteToStdOut() As Boolean
    WriteToStdOut = miWriteStdOut = 1
End Property

Public Property Let WriteToStdOut(ByVal bWrite As Boolean)
    miWriteStdOut = IIf(bWrite, 1, 0)
End Property

Public Property Get TestZip() As Boolean
    TestZip = miTestZip = 1
End Property

Public Property Let TestZip(ByVal bTest As Boolean)
    miTestZip = IIf(bTest, 1, 0)
End Property

Public Property Get ExtractList() As ZExtractType
    ExtractList = miExtractList
End Property

Public Property Let ExtractList(ByVal zExType As ZExtractType)
    miExtractList = zExType
End Property

Public Property Get ExtractOnlyNewer() As Boolean
    ExtractOnlyNewer = miExtractOnlyNewer = 1
End Property

Public Property Let ExtractOnlyNewer(ByVal bOnlyNewer As Boolean)
    miExtractOnlyNewer = IIf(bOnlyNewer, 1, 0)
End Property

Public Property Get DisplayComment() As Boolean
    DisplayComment = miDisplayComment = 1
End Property

Public Property Let DisplayComment(ByVal bDisplay As Boolean)
    miDisplayComment = IIf(bDisplay, 1, 0)
End Property

Public Property Get HonorDirectories() As Boolean
    HonorDirectories = miHonorDirectories = 1
End Property

Public Property Let HonorDirectories(ByVal bHonor As Boolean)
    miHonorDirectories = IIf(bHonor, 1, 0)
End Property

Public Property Get OverWriteFiles() As Boolean
    OverWriteFiles = miOverWriteFiles = 1
End Property

Public Property Let OverWriteFiles(ByVal bOverWrite As Boolean)
    miOverWriteFiles = IIf(bOverWrite, 1, 0)
End Property

Public Property Get ConvertCRtoCRLF() As Boolean
    ConvertCRtoCRLF = miConvertCR_CRLF = 1
End Property

Public Property Let ConvertCRtoCRLF(ByVal bConvert As Boolean)
    miConvertCR_CRLF = IIf(bConvert, 1, 0)
End Property

Public Property Get Verbose() As Boolean
    Verbose = miVerbose = 1
End Property

Public Property Let Verbose(ByVal bVerbose As Boolean)
    miVerbose = IIf(bVerbose, 1, 0)
End Property

Public Property Get CaseSensitive() As Boolean
    CaseSensitive = miCaseSensitivity = 1
End Property

Public Property Let CaseSensitive(ByVal bCaseSensitive As Boolean)
    miCaseSensitivity = IIf(bCaseSensitive, 1, 0)
End Property

Public Property Get Privilege() As ZPrivilege
    Privilege = miPrivilege
End Property

Public Property Let Privilege(ByVal zPriv As ZPrivilege)
    miPrivilege = zPriv
End Property

Public Property Get ZipFileName() As String
    ZipFileName = msZipFileName
End Property

Public Property Let ZipFileName(ByVal sZipFileName As String)
    msZipFileName = sZipFileName
End Property

Public Property Get ExtractDir() As String
    ExtractDir = msExtractDir
End Property

Public Property Let ExtractDir(ByVal sExtractDir As String)
    msExtractDir = sExtractDir
End Property

Public Function Unzip(Optional sZipFileName As String, _
    Optional sExtractDir As String) As Long
On Error GoTo vbErrorHandler

    Dim lRet As Long
    If Len(sZipFileName) > 0 Then
        msZipFileName = sZipFileName
    End If
    If Len(sExtractDir) > 0 Then
        msExtractDir = sExtractDir
    End If
    lRet = VBUnzip(msZipFileName, msExtractDir, miExtractNewer, _
        miSpaceUnderScore, miPromptOverwrite, CInt(miQuiet), _
        miWriteStdOut, miTestZip, CInt(miExtractList), _
        miExtractOnlyNewer, miDisplayComment, miHonorDirectories, _
        miOverWriteFiles, miConvertCR_CRLF, miVerbose, _
        miCaseSensitivity, CInt(miPrivilege))
    Unzip = lRet
    Exit Function

    Err.Raise Err.Number, "CGUnZipFiles::Unzip", Err.Description

End Function

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    miExtractNewer = 0
    miSpaceUnderScore = 0
    miPromptOverwrite = 0
    miQuiet = NoMessages
    miWriteStdOut = 0
    miTestZip = 0
    miExtractList = Extract
    miExtractOnlyNewer = 0
    miDisplayComment = 0
    miHonorDirectories = 1
    miOverWriteFiles = 1
    miConvertCR_CRLF = 0
    miVerbose = 0
    miCaseSensitivity = 1
    miPrivilege = Ignore
End Sub

Public Function GetLastMessage() As String
    GetLastMessage = msOutput
End Function

Thế là trong chương trình các bạn có thể linh động kết hợp với các hàm xử lý file mà Zip hoặc Unzip theo ý của các bạn.

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