[Cần trợ giúp] Tối ưu code khi update data theo sheet

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Chào anh chị, em đang gặp vấn đề về file excel đang dùng:
+ Khi run code nếu kí tự update vào cột C đều là chữ hoa thì code chạy đúng, khi gặp trường hợp chữ thường và chữ vừa hoa vừa thường code sẽ tách data sai
=> nhờ mọi người sửa code để có thể chạy đúng tất cả trường hợp trên.
+ Khi run code thì kết quả tách ra ở cột C vẫn giữ nguyên đuôi .zip ( code hiện tại không có .zip khi tách ra)
=> Mong các anh chị giúp đỡ. Em xin cảm ơn
Đây là code em muốn nhờ mọi người edit giúp ạ, trong file upload cũng có sẵn code rồi ạ :

Sub tach_chuoi_KOH()
Dim ws, wsh As Worksheet
Dim i, n, j, lr, k, imin, imax As Long
Dim PGM, s, dai, sdai, iType, CDT, Model, Slide As String
Set wsh = Sheet1
Set ws = Sheet2
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
lr = wsh.Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
k = WorksheetFunction.Max(ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row + 1, 2)

'ws.Range("a2:G" & Rows.Count).ClearContents
'ws.Range("a2:G" & Rows.Count).Borders.Value = 0
For i = 2 To lr
PGM = wsh.Cells(i, "C").Value
PGM = Mid(PGM, 2, Len(PGM) - 5)

Model = Left(PGM, 7)

If Left(Right(PGM, 2), 1) = "X" Then
iType = Right(PGM, 2)
n = InStrRev(PGM, "_", Len(PGM) - 3)
If InStr(PGM, "VQ") = 0 Then 'check VQ
PGM = Left(PGM, n) & "VQ" & Right(PGM, Len(PGM) - n)
End If
n = InStrRev(PGM, "_", Len(PGM) - 3)
dai = Mid(PGM, n + 1, Len(PGM) - n - 3)

iType = ""
n = InStrRev(PGM, "_")
If InStr(PGM, "VQ") = 0 Then 'check VQ
PGM = Left(PGM, n) & "VQ" & Right(PGM, Len(PGM) - n)
End If
n = InStrRev(PGM, "_")
dai = Right(PGM, Len(PGM) - n)

End If

sdai = Right(dai, Len(dai) - InStr(dai, "FA") - 1)
imin = Val(sdai)
imax = Val(Right(sdai, 3))
CDT = Left(dai, InStr(dai, "FA") + 1)

If InStr(PGM, "BM") <> 0 Or InStr(PGM, "TM") <> 0 Then
Slide = "M"
ElseIf InStr(PGM, "BS") <> 0 Or InStr(PGM, "TS") <> 0 Then
Slide = "S"
Slide = ""
End If

For j = 0 To imax - imin
With ws
.Cells(k, "A").Value = k - 1
.Cells(k, "B").Value = Model & CDT & WorksheetFunction.Text(imin + j, "000")
.Cells(k, "C").Value = PGM
.Cells(k, "D").Value = dai
.Cells(k, "E").Value = CDT & WorksheetFunction.Text(imin + j, "000")
.Cells(k, "F").Value = iType
.Cells(k, "G").Value = Slide
.Range("A" & k & ":G" & k).Borders.Value = 1
End With

k = k + 1
Next j
Next i
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

File đính kèm

  • TEST-FILL-DOWN_V02.xlsm
    41.8 KB · Đọc: 9
Những chỗ sửa hoặc thêm là chữ đỏ, bạn xem lại có đúng ý không.

Sub tach_chuoi_KOH()
Dim ws, wsh As Worksheet
Dim i, n, j, lr, k, imin, imax As Long
Dim PGM, s, dai, sdai, iType, CDT, Model, Slide As String
Dim ext As String

Set wsh = Sheet1
Set ws = Sheet2
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
lr = wsh.Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
k = WorksheetFunction.Max(ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row + 1, 2)

'ws.Range("a2:G" & Rows.Count).ClearContents
'ws.Range("a2:G" & Rows.Count).Borders.Value = 0
For i = 2 To lr
PGM = wsh.Cells(i, "C").Value
ext = Right(PGM, 4) 'Fix here
PGM = UCase(Mid(PGM, 2, Len(PGM) - 5)) 'Fix here

Model = Left(PGM, 7)

If Left(Right(PGM, 2), 1) = "X" Then
iType = Right(PGM, 2)
n = InStrRev(PGM, "_", Len(PGM) - 3)
If InStr(PGM, "VQ") = 0 Then 'check VQ
PGM = Left(PGM, n) & "VQ" & Right(PGM, Len(PGM) - n)
End If
n = InStrRev(PGM, "_", Len(PGM) - 3)
dai = Mid(PGM, n + 1, Len(PGM) - n - 3)

iType = ""
n = InStrRev(PGM, "_")
If InStr(PGM, "VQ") = 0 Then 'check VQ
PGM = Left(PGM, n) & "VQ" & Right(PGM, Len(PGM) - n)
End If
n = InStrRev(PGM, "_")
dai = Right(PGM, Len(PGM) - n)

End If

sdai = Right(dai, Len(dai) - InStr(dai, "FA") - 1)
imin = Val(sdai)
imax = Val(Right(sdai, 3))
CDT = Left(dai, InStr(dai, "FA") + 1)

If InStr(PGM, "BM") <> 0 Or InStr(PGM, "TM") <> 0 Then
Slide = "M"
ElseIf InStr(PGM, "BS") <> 0 Or InStr(PGM, "TS") <> 0 Then
Slide = "S"
Slide = ""
End If

For j = 0 To imax - imin
With ws
.Cells(k, "A").Value = k - 1
.Cells(k, "B").Value = Model & CDT & WorksheetFunction.Text(imin + j, "000")
.Cells(k, "C").Value = PGM & ext
.Cells(k, "D").Value = dai
.Cells(k, "E").Value = CDT & WorksheetFunction.Text(imin + j, "000")
.Cells(k, "F").Value = iType
.Cells(k, "G").Value = Slide
.Range("A" & k & ":G" & k).Borders.Value = 1
End With

k = k + 1
Next j
Next i
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
Những chỗ sửa hoặc thêm là chữ đỏ, bạn xem lại có đúng ý không.

Sub tach_chuoi_KOH()
Dim ws, wsh As Worksheet
Dim i, n, j, lr, k, imin, imax As Long
Dim PGM, s, dai, sdai, iType, CDT, Model, Slide As String
Dim ext As String

Set wsh = Sheet1
Set ws = Sheet2
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
lr = wsh.Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
k = WorksheetFunction.Max(ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row + 1, 2)

'ws.Range("a2:G" & Rows.Count).ClearContents
'ws.Range("a2:G" & Rows.Count).Borders.Value = 0
For i = 2 To lr
PGM = wsh.Cells(i, "C").Value
ext = Right(PGM, 4) 'Fix here
PGM = UCase(Mid(PGM, 2, Len(PGM) - 5)) 'Fix here

Model = Left(PGM, 7)

If Left(Right(PGM, 2), 1) = "X" Then
iType = Right(PGM, 2)
n = InStrRev(PGM, "_", Len(PGM) - 3)
If InStr(PGM, "VQ") = 0 Then 'check VQ
PGM = Left(PGM, n) & "VQ" & Right(PGM, Len(PGM) - n)
End If
n = InStrRev(PGM, "_", Len(PGM) - 3)
dai = Mid(PGM, n + 1, Len(PGM) - n - 3)

iType = ""
n = InStrRev(PGM, "_")
If InStr(PGM, "VQ") = 0 Then 'check VQ
PGM = Left(PGM, n) & "VQ" & Right(PGM, Len(PGM) - n)
End If
n = InStrRev(PGM, "_")
dai = Right(PGM, Len(PGM) - n)

End If

sdai = Right(dai, Len(dai) - InStr(dai, "FA") - 1)
imin = Val(sdai)
imax = Val(Right(sdai, 3))
CDT = Left(dai, InStr(dai, "FA") + 1)

If InStr(PGM, "BM") <> 0 Or InStr(PGM, "TM") <> 0 Then
Slide = "M"
ElseIf InStr(PGM, "BS") <> 0 Or InStr(PGM, "TS") <> 0 Then
Slide = "S"
Slide = ""
End If

For j = 0 To imax - imin
With ws
.Cells(k, "A").Value = k - 1
.Cells(k, "B").Value = Model & CDT & WorksheetFunction.Text(imin + j, "000")
.Cells(k, "C").Value = PGM & ext
.Cells(k, "D").Value = dai
.Cells(k, "E").Value = CDT & WorksheetFunction.Text(imin + j, "000")
.Cells(k, "F").Value = iType
.Cells(k, "G").Value = Slide
.Range("A" & k & ":G" & k).Borders.Value = 1
End With

k = k + 1
Next j
Next i
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
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